Chapter 37: The Timeless Rose.

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Friday has reintroduced herself to the team, and is currently with Cisco working on some kind of upgrade for you. You are casually spending your time with Barry, by arguing over whether the Star Wars prequels or originals were better.

"Okay but come on, Anakin was perfectly acted out!" You say.

"I agree with you, but we're looking at this from a story standpoint. Not an acting standpoint." Barry says.

"Hmm, Anakin's character development in the prequels was amazing."

"Correct, but he was also dumb at some points. Like, why trust Palpatine to know how to keep Padme alive?"

Suddenly, an alert sounds over the intercoms. You and Barry speed to the cortex and look at the camera feed to see... A police box in the pipeline? You and Barry speed over there to see Nora and the rest already there. Smoke emits from a few gaps of the box, and the door opens. Smoke blocks the view but out comes a well-dressed man with a bucket of water, presumably used to extinguish flames.

You make arm vacuums to blow the smoke away, only to see a white crack on one of the pipeline cells and... You?

"Shit." You say.

"Ah bullocks." The other you says.

"Wait don't tell me... You're British?!"

"So we're on earth, good."

"Yes you are on earth! Not yours I assume."

"Nope. Uh, I'll go and get my companion really quick."

He runs back into his police box.

"Oi ladies! Come over here!" He yells to some people.

A few seconds later he comes walking out again, with four other women.

"It's you! You're the Doctor!" You yell in realization.

"Uh, well yes, that is me." The Doctor says.

"I've seen you two before! In a vision!"

"Oh wait! Are you that speedster Sara told me about?"

"Sara? You mean Sara Lance?"

"Yeah that's the one! Then you must be Nora!" The Doctor says to Nora.

"Yes. That is me." Nora says.

"Ah! Congrats on your marriage of course!"

"Oh we're not-"

"They're not married." Barry says.

"Okay, and who might you be?" The Doctor asks.

"I'm Barry Allen, I'm Nora's father."

"Really? You seem a bit... Young."

"Yeah, Nora and Y/N are from the future."

"Oh, that's nice."

"So uh, who are those people with you?" Iris asks.

"You must be the mother then. And these are Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang."

"Oh god, you guys really are from that show..." Cisco says.

"Show? Oh you've got one in this multiverse too?"

"Yep, you're no where to be seen though."

"Yeah I can get that."

"Hey uh, great conversation all of this, but when will we get the chance to talk?' Yang asks.

"Uh, go ahead."

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now