Chapter 7: Attempt at catching Block.

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After Cisco was done taking away your negative speedforce you decided to go see how Barry was doing with the data analysis.

You: "Hey guys, how's the data analysis going?"
Nora: "Oh we were actually on our way to get the criminal."
You: "And you didn't even invite me? So who's the criminal?"
Barry: "Vanessa Jansen, no clue what her powers exactly are so be careful."
You: "Well then, better get going."

You three then suit up and go to Vanessa.

Barry: "All right, I'm gonna take
Vanessa and the gangster. Why don't you
just scan the perimeter for any back up
she might have."
You: "Aye aye captain."
Nora: "I can do better than that."
Barry: "What?"
You: "Nora don't you'll only get yourself in... Trouble. Well shit."
Nora then speeds Moretti into the van.
Nora: "Sorry, I can't let you hurt him. Or take this."
Vanessa then shoots a block but before it hit Nora you quickly speed her out of the way.
You: "You okay Nora?"
Nora: "Yeah, thanks."
Vanessa: "Another one? It's like killing two birds with one stone."
Vanessa then traps you in a block.
Vanessa: "Didn't know I was a meta? Don't feel bad, it's my new look."
Barry: "Vanessa!"
Vanessa: "The Flash! Guess I better put my hands up."
Vanessa then shoots you two up into the sky flying towards the city.
Nora: "Hold on!"
You: "What the hell am I supposed to hold on to?!"
Nora: "I don't know! The wall? Me?"
You: "Oh wait a minute, it feels like it's not even moving."
Nora: "Yeah but there's another problem. The ground!"
You (comms): "Oi Flash tiny issue. The ground is in the way."
Barry (comms): "Yeah yeah I'm on my way."
As you were about to hit the ground Barry stopped you with the wind vacuums.
Nora: "How long do you think it'll-"
The block then pops.
You: "Nora word of advice, listen to your father next time."

Back at STAR Labs.

Caitlin: "I think Nora and Y/N are good to go. They didn't even need an Ibuprofen."
Barry: "You sure you two feel okay?"
You: "Maybe a small bruise but that's all."
Nora: "I'm totally okay. Come on, let's get back to work, Flash."
Barry: "Okay. All right, well let's figure out where Vanessa went. If she sells those stolen weapons to the wrong people, I, um"
Iris: "Cisco, were you able to get the satellite up and running? Cisco?"
Caitlin: "We weren't able to track Vanessa, but we did find a scientific anomaly that we've never seen before, right, Cisco?"
Ralph: "Han shot second."
Cisco: "That doesn't even make sense! Ralph, it's you."
Ralph: "Sorry to lie like that, man. We just we need the CCTV."
Cisco: "CCTV, yes. Vanessa Jansen's concentrated air squares are dense very dense, stupid dense. The kind of dense reserved for people who still believe In love."
Caitlin: "I think what Cisco is trying to say is that Vanessa can manipulate the movement of atoms to created concentrated air molecules in cube form. The space between the molecules is so compact that-"
Nora: "That there isn't enough room for a speedster to vibrate trough them."
Cisco then began to walk away.
Barry: "What do you call someone who can compress air molecules into solid blocks?"
Cisco: "I don't know, Block."
Cisco then fully walked away.
Iris: "So, I guess Cisco is still taking the Gipsy thing pretty hard?"
Ralph: "Well, we're working on it. But you can't expect real progress till you hit step 17."
Barry looked at him confused.
Caitlin: "It's this thing we're working on with Cisco. You can do without us for a little while, right?"
Barry: "I mean, we are blind without our satellite so we're just gonna have to wait until Vanessa makes her next move anyway."
Ralph and Caitlin then leave.
Barry: "What about you? Gonna hang out here for a bit?"
Iris: "Actually, I am working on a lead. Can I use your lab? There's something I wanna follow up on."
Barry: "Yeah, of course."

Small time skip to Barry training Nora and you.

Nora: "Uh, what kind of training is this?"
Barry: "Well, speedsters need to know about physics, aerodynamics, trajectory formulas. And after your last encounter with Jansen, I think is time for you to get back to basics."
You: "Well, to be honest Barry, I think she got caught because she just rushed in too fast and didn't take enough caution."
Barry: "That too yeah, but still, math. I think chapter one is probably a good place to start."

Another small skip.

Barry: "Okay, so the key with Higgs particles isn't the math per se but the effect they have on the mass of other particles."
Nora: "How would one go about performing a supersonic punch on one of those particles?"
Barry: "Nora."
Nora: "Dad, I'm sorry, but I already know all of this. My high school textbooks had laws of physics that this time hasn't even discovered yet. I don't need this kind of training, I need to learn how to be like you."
Barry: "What do you think it means to be like me? You know, running so fast you can stop a tsunami. Or vibrating something bigger than a plane. Or how about defeating a sand demon by throwing lighting at him."
Barry: "Nora, look, all those things are way behind your current skill level. You gotta stick to what you can handle right now."
Nora: "Uh, just because I'm your daughter doesn't mean you have to baby me. I can handle way more than you think. Watch."
Nora then runs in the speed lab and proceeds to throw lightning but slips and throws it wrong, towards Barry. You stop it with your own lightning.
Barry: "Thanks."
You: "Now I know why your mom always said you do things in excess. Oh right, I was going to talk to Joe about one minute from now, see y'all later."
Nora: "See you later."
Barry: "See ya."

Over at Joe's house.

You: "Hey, I'm just in time."
Joe: "Yeah, Barry been training you and Nora?"
You: "Well, sort of, he was explaining math, Nora wanted to show off or something, she threw lightning wrong and it almost hit Barry, and then I stopped it and came here. Wait how do you know?"
Joe: "I just got a text from Bar saying you were on your way."
You: "Oh okay."
Joe: "So, why did you want to see me?"
You: "Right, so, it's actually about Nora-"
Joe: "Mhm."
You: "I wasn't finished."
Joe: "No, but I probably already know what you're about to say. You're gonna ask me for love advice."
You: "Well, uh, yeah that's correct. Damn now I know why you're such a good detective."
Joe: "Appreciate the compliment, now, love advice, I don't really know Nora that well, I'd say you know the most about her. But from what I've seen I would just continue with what you have now, but try to make some moves. Now, Ralph was already trying to help in his own way."
You: "Yeah, I get his intentions but he's just doing it wrong."
Joe: "Yeah, so, just do what I said and I'm sure everything will be fine, and don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
You: "Yeah, thanks Joe, I appreciate it. Hey um, is it fine if I stay here? I've got nothing else to do."
Joe: "Fine with me as long as it's okay with Cecile."
You: "Wait what?"
Apparently Cecile was standing around the corner all this time.
Cecile: "So, you've got a crush on Nora, huh?"
You: "Oh damn it."

I think it's good to end the chapter here, I'll be seeing if I can write another one in the weekend, but until then, bye y'all.

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant