Chapter 36: A Friday Afternoon.

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'Ah, a friday afternoon, always the best times of the week. Never any need to worry.'

It's been a few hours since Sherloque explained his new machine which can allow people to enter someone's consciousness, Barry and Nora got chosen to do it. Which would be fine of course, but there is a chance that you enter each other's memories accidentally. And with Nora working with Eobard and all, it's not that smart. Which you know too, but your backup plan is to get Nora to reverse time and undo it. So, you don't have any idea on what Nora is trying at the moment.

You take a quick nap, and somehow end up in the flash museum. Though, everything is just a bit too off for this to be real. It's got a purple effect to it. You walk around a bit and end up in the Hall of Villains, where you see an older Iris comforting a younger Nora, with the normal Barry and Iris standing there.

"Oh please don't tell me I somehow got flung into the machine a memoire..." You say.

Barry and Iris turn to you and look confused.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Barry asks.

"No clue, I just went to take a nap and ended up here."

"That's... Really friggin' odd."

"Yup, so, I'm taking it we're in Nora's memories?"

"We are, but not for long. Our way out just opened." Iris says as she points at the portal.


You three go through it and end up in Grace's memories, where Nora is under attack by some female Cicada.

"Bit of a weird defence mechanism." You say.

Barry speeds forward and knocks Cicada out of the way. You speed there too, and try to get Grace to follow you, which she doesn't.

"She isn't coming! Let's go!" Nora yells.

You four speed through the portal, and end up in another memory. Though, now it's got a red tint to it.

"Oh great, another one." You say sarcastically.

"Hey wait a minute, this is Iron Heights!" Barry says.

"It is?"

"Yeah, look over there."

Barry points at a logo on the wall which literally says Iron Heights.

"Huh, why though?" Iris asks.

"Here to see your dad again?" You hear a familiar voice say.

You and the other three walk down a hall to see you chatting with another guard.

"Yeah it's almost become a monthly thing." Memory you says.

"Yeah well don't do it too much, he might become a bad influence."

"Trust me he won't, now can I go in?"

"Yes of course, though there is already a girl from the CCPD in there."

"Alright, thanks."

"Wait a minute I remember this, this was the first time I met Nora!" You say.

"Ah, so she's the girl the guard was talking about?" Iris asks.


Memory you walks away and eventually goes into a room, where Nora and Eobard are. You four follow and the memory versions of you, Nora and Eobard talk with each other.

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