Chapter 13: A Young blogger.

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You are currently at the charity softball game watching Barry try to catch a ball.

"For a speedster he really is slow." You say.

"Yeah, Papa Joe told me all the stories about what an awful athlete Dad was growing up." Nora says.

"Well, believe me, they're true." Iris says.

"Let's just be grateful that he has coordination when it counts." Caitlin says.

"Yeah, apparently a softball game doesn't count." You remark making Caitlin chuckle a bit.

You get a notification on your phone and look at it. It says 'New speedster couple saves crowd from bomb.'


You feel like you're zoning out and all of a sudden you are in the middle of the softball field with Nora in your super suits.

What happened when you zoned out.

You speed away, put your suit on and run to the guy with a bag on the field. Nora is also speeding towards him. Nora grabs the bag and you make her fly upwards by creating hand tornados with your hand. She throws the bag away and it explodes in the air.

After the zone out.

'What the hell happened?'

You hear a scream and see that Nora is falling from the air but you make hand tornados again and catch her bridal style. She looks flabbergasted and she gets out of your hands and stands up.

"Thanks for catching me. But why was I in the sky?!"

"How should I know?!"

Barry then ran to you, at normal speed of course.

"Hey, guys."

"Barry! What the hell just happened?" You ask him.

"You guys just saved everybody."

"We did?"

"Yeah... You did."


"Bomb squad finished their sweep. They said it's all clear." Barry says wearing his hat backwards.

"Okay. Nora, Y/N, how did you know what was happening?" Iris asks.

You just shrug and Nora says:
"I don't know."

"I was just looking at a notification on my phone, zoned out or something and then I was on the field with a flying Nora above me." You say.

"One minute I was going to get food, and the next I was in the outfield in the sky before Y/N caught me."

"And neither of you remember anything else?" Caitlin asks.

You both just shake your heads. You and Nora then both get a notification on your phone from Spyn Zone. 'New speedster couple saves crowd from bomb.'

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now