Chapter 6: The Two new Heroes in Town.

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(Your POV)

Barry: "Yeah, why don't we, uh, all meet back at STAR Labs, all right?"
You: "Alright, see you there."

Some hours later you hear about a meta-crime scene so you decided to see if you can help.

You: "Hey Barry."
Barry: "Hey, what are you doing here?"
You: "Well I heard something about a meta crime scene so I decided to see if I can help out."
Barry: "Well, okay then."

Singh then walks over to you.

Singh: "Hello Allen, who is this with you?"
You: "Hello Mr Singh, I'm Y/N Thawne, CSI Intern."
Singh: "Thawne as in Eddie Thawne?"
You: "Um, no, just a coincidence."
Singh: "Yeah, a coincidence, anyway so this is where the Moretti brothers have been running guns."
Barry: "Yeah."
Singh: "Stealing from these guys takes some cojones. Any idea who our bold thieve might be?"
You: " No, not yet, so far the only prints we've found are from Bobby and Bruno Moretti."
Singh: "Well, whoever did this, they're running fast and loose. If we don't stop this, a lot of high powered weapons are gonna flood the streets. Central City is gonna be a war zone."

Then Nora walks in.

Nora: "Don't worry about the city, friend. CCPD's finest are on the case."
Singh: "And you are?"
Nora: "Nora uh... Thawne, CSI Intern."
Singh: "Huh, you two married?"
Nora: "Uhh... Yep! Me and Y/N."

Nora then gives you a peck on the cheek and you become flustered.

You: "What? Nora this is a crime scene."
Nora (being sarcastic): "Oh sorry for giving my husband a quick little kiss!"
Barry: "I think it's best to leave them alone..."
Singh: "Yeah, they're a bit weird."

They leave and Nora keeps bickering and you mouth thanks to Barry.

You: "Nora, you know they left right?"
Nora: "Right..."
You: "Next time please don't make a scene again."
Nora: "Hah! You wish!"
You: "So you said we are married, but how long do you think it's going to take for Singh to realise we don't have rings? And now you've also set up a lie and social profile for us which we have to keep to not seem suspicious."
Nora: "What do you mean we have to keep it?"
You: "You know our luck, Nora, we could just be on the street talking to someone and telling them we are friends, then it would just so happen that Singh would walk by. And then we would be very suspicious to him."
Nora: "Alright, good point."
You: "And why did you have to kiss me? In front of your goddamn father?"
Nora: "Who the hell would have to think about their last name? And I'm sure my dad thinks it's fine."
You: "You better be sure cause I don't want to be chased by the goddamn Flash."
Nora: "I know you liked it though."
Your face slowly becomes red.
You: "Oh shut it."
Nora: "Hehe~ We'll have to ask Caitlin or Ralph about the rings, Ralph has gone through enough relations to at least have two."
You let out a small laugh.
You: "Come on then let's go see if they have any."

A few minutes later at STAR Labs...

You two enter Cisco's workshop to see Ralph annoying Cisco once again.

You: "This is the CCPD, Ralph Dibny please step away from the small annoyed man."
Caitlin: "Oh, hey there you two."
You: "Hi, so, Nora and I have a somewhat odd question, but do any of you have 2 spare rings lying around."
Cisco: "To put your suit in?"
Nora: "Um, no, so I may or may not have told Singh me and Y/N are married. So we need 2 rings."
Cisco: "Hah! It really isn't smart though, you know team Flash's luck, you could just be outside-"
Nora: "Yeah yeah Y/N already told me that."
You: "See, they get it."
Nora: "Oh shuddup I don't really think things through okay?"
You: "Oh believe me, I've known that for a long time."
Ralph: "Look you're already arguing like a married couple!"
You and Nora: "Shut it Ralph!"
Ralph: "okie."
Cisco: "Well, I do have two rings, but promise you won't lose them."
You: "Alrighty, why?"
Cisco: "Well they belonged to the original Harrison Wells and his wife."
You: "Original? I thought that was just a cover my dad used."
Cisco: "Nope, your dad killed them in a car accident and used some sort of technology to steal Harrisons's appearance."
You: "Oh, well then, we will be careful with the rings, trust me Cisco."
Cisco: "Okay then here you go, on one last condition, I get to take a photo of you two with the rings."
Nora: "That's a bit weird but okay."

Cisco then hands you two the rings and you but them on, he then grabs the camera and takes a picture of you with them on.

Cisco: "Oh I'm so gonna show this to Barry and Iris."
You: "You better not, Ramon."

Cisco laughs at you mischievously.

Nora: "Well we better get going now."
You: "Yeah."
You two then speed off and Ralph yells after you: "When's the wedding?"

(After you two left.)

Caitlin: "So are we all going to ignore the fact that Nora definitely knew?"
Cisco: "Yeah, we wouldn't want to embarrass her now would we?" Cisco said with a smirk.
Ralph: "Yes we would. Also Y/N is blind."
Cisco: "Well, we've got three options, he doesn't have any romantic feelings, he has a crush on her but just doesn't see the obvious or he's gay."
Caitlin: "Probably the second option."
Ralph: "Yeah probably, one of them will come running to me later for advice."
Cisco: "I'll bet you 10 dollars they won't, for this week."
(WhoOoOo foreshadowing)

(Back with you and Nora.)

You: "Well I think Barry is analysing the data now though it'll probably take some time. So what do you want to do in the meantime?"
You two then hear a police siren going off.
Nora: "Pretty sure you can guess it."
You: "Ugh fine."

You two then speed into one of the officers cars (in your super suits of course.)

You: "Good day officer."
Officer: "What the- Who the hell are you two?"
Nora: "We're new heroes, we are helping the Flash."
Officer: "Um, okay then, well we've got an armed robbery a few blocks that way."

You two speed off to the robbery.

You (whispering): "Well Nora, we can either do this stealthily, or we can- wait, Nora?"
You then see her already speeding towards the robbers and take them out, until one somehow hit a mean right hook against her face which knocks her out. Your eyes and lightning changed an you switched to the negative speed force, you feel a sudden urge of anger flowing through you. You then speed off towards the robber and punch him very hard and fast in the stomach. Then you switched back to the normal speed force and Nora wakes up.
You: "Oi sleepyhead, I got the guy don't worry, he's down. Come on let's go."

You two then go back to the officer still on his way.

You: "Good news and bad news. The good news is there is no armed robbery anymore, the bad news is one of the robbers throwed up cause I punched him too hard. Damn someone's gotta nerf me."

Don't worry, I will.

Officer: "Oh, well thanks uhh... What are your names?"
Nora: "I'm XS and he is...?"
You: "I'm uh... Paradox?"
Officer: "Yeah that's a good name."
Nora: "Yeah I agree. Well then we're off."
Officer: "Alright then, I'll tell the news about the two new heroes in town."
Nora: "Thanks, see ya!"

You two then speed off.

You: "Hey Nora I've got to take care of something real quick I'll see you later."
Nora: "Okay."

You then go back to Cisco's workshop.

You: "Yo Cisco."
Cisco: "Back again?"
You: "Yup, hey listen, so me and Nora just stopped a robbery but she somehow got knocked out. When that happened my negative speed force activated and I felt a sudden rush of anger all the time and punched him very hard. Is that some sort of side effect? Cause I'm pretty sure I almost killed the man."
Cisco: "Well, we don't know exactly but yeah the negative speed force does have it's downsides."
You: "Okay then, any chance you could remove the negative speed force from me?"
Cisco: "Yeah, sort of, I can store it in a disc which only me or Barry can open, you will still feel if someone travels through time with the negative speed force."
You: "Well then please do it."
Cisco: "You sure?"
You: "Yeah I'm sure."
Cisco: "Alright then. Just touch this part of the disc and it'll go away."

You then immediately touch it and you feel a sort of relief.

You: "Thanks, I don't wanna be a liability to people."
Cisco: "No problem man."
You: "Well thankfully I can still customize my suit."
Cisco: *chuckles*

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