Chapter 16: The Matchmaker meets his match.

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You and Cisco are currently in his workshop doing research on the arrow and the pink gas it contained.

"So you say that everyone at the scene was just kissing each other because of this gas?" Cisco asks you.

"Well I don't know for sure if it was because of the gas but it's safe to assume that the gas was the main perpetrator." You answer.

"So at first it made you sort of light headed right?"


"And it gave people pink eyes?"


"Okay, well it could be a modified version of Oxytocin."

"That's what I'm thinking too. Maybe you could find any traces of it and see what it is?"

"Yeah I think I can do that."

"Okay, then I'll be taking my leave."



You speed away to the gym to lift weights, you just couldn't understand how Nora was stronger. (Yes STAR Labs has a gym in this story.) You dress in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

When you entered you found Nora doing that thing with some kind of object with three sticks sticking out of it, that thing Oliver used to do. (Idk what it's called) She was dressed in a pair of leggings and a t-shirt.

You went and lifted weights, did some tricep extensions and some crunches. After a while Nora came up to you.

"Hey, wanna spar?" She asks.


You and Nora walk to a part where the ground was softer for sparring.

Nora stood about 4 meters away from you. "No powers." You say.

"No powers. Don't need them to kick your ass." Nora said with a smirk, making you chuckle.

You both got into a ready stance and you counted down.

"3... 2...1... Go!"

When you finished counting Nora was quick to throw a punch directly at your face, you dodge it. Nora immediately followed up with a punch to the stomach which actually hurt quite a lot. Nora took a little distance and you two began circling around each other. "You're strong Nora, but you lack technique."

"I don't see you using any either."

She throws a punch at your face again but you grabbed her arm and flipped her over.

She got up and you attack her with a bunch of karate-like moves. Eventually you kick her in the stomach and she falls down, you crouch down next to her. "You done yet XS?" You ask with a slight smirk.

"Nah." She replies and quickly grabs you, flips you over and sits on your back with a knee on your wrists and your neck in a headlock. "You done yet Paradox?" She says while leaning in beside you. You take the chance and headbutt her, she let's go to grab her nose and you roll over to make Nora fall off of you. You stand up again, noticeably tired just as Nora.

"Predict every possible move the opponent can make," You say. "and never give the opponent a chance to attack."

Nora throws a weak and slow punch because she's tired and you direct it next to you, grab her shoulders and kick her in the stomach with your knee. She falls over and taps the ground. "Okay, that's enough for today." She says tired and panting.

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now