Chapter 12: Breakfast with the West-Allen family.

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You wake up in Barry's loft on one couch with Nora on the other. Nora is still sleeping and you see that Iris is making pancakes while listening to music with her earbuds. You are wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a STAR Labs sweatshirt of which you're pretty sure no one has worn in at least 4 or 5 years. You get up and walk over to the kitchen seeing nearly everything go wrong.

"Goodmorning Y/N." Iris says while taking out her earbuds.

"Morning." You responded.

"What in the pancake hell is going on here?" You say looking at the kitchen.

"Um, nothing just go back to sleep." Iris responds.

"Yeah that's not going to happen after seeing what I'm going to eat if I do."

"Why? Am I doing a bad job?"

"Lumpy." You say pointing to the pancakes


"Take a look at the pancakes, they're lumpy."

"Oh, yeah they are."

"Why don't you go wake up your husband? Meanwhile I'll make some pancakes fit for human consumption."

"Okay, but make them lightning bolt shaped please."

"Will do."

Iris then leaves to her bedroom.

"Let's see, pancake batter not usable. Kitchen counter now exists out of flour... Nora wasn't joking when she said Iris is terrible at cooking."

You use your speed to clean the kitchen and make some lightning bolt shaped pancakes, you make one with the XS logo for Nora, you leave Iris' pancakes to show the others and go to prepare the table for breakfast at normal speed.

You hear some shifting on the couch and you get hugged from behind surprising you. "Morning sleeping beauty."

You give her a quick peck on the cheek, Nora gets a bit flustered but still says good morning. She let's go of the hug and looks at the table you're preparing.

"What are you doing?" She asks groggily.

"Fixing your mother's attempt at making breakfast."

"Looks better than what she makes in our time."

You hear two pairs of footsteps approaching, those belonging to Barry and Iris.

"What's happening?" Barry asks.

"I'm making breakfast." You respond.

Barry looks over to the kitchen and see Iris' failed pancakes.

"Trial and error?" He asks referring to the failed pancakes.

"No, those ones in the kitchen are actually mine." Iris responds.

After hearing that Barry looks over at you like you saved his life. He mouths 'thank you' to you, you simply respond with a thumbs up.

You finished setting the table and everyone sat down. "Eet smakelijk." You say. (You can look up the pronunciation if you want, it's kind of hard to explain.)

"What?" Barry asks confused.

"It basically means enjoy your meal. It's sort of a Dutch custom, not really cultural or anything but most Dutch people just say that before eating."

"Oh okay, well enjoy your meal then."

You flash a quick smile at him and dig into your pancake along with the West-Allens. After Iris takes her first bite she looks down embarrassed. "These taste way better than my normal pancakes, the ones I don't burn."

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now