Chapter 33: The Worst And Best Emotions.

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You're currently at Jitters getting coffee for you and Nora, though as you turn around a woman is suddenly standing there. You bump into her and accidentally spill Nora's coffee over her.

"Oh! Sorry!" You say.

"No no, it's okay."

"It's not! I'll get you a napkin."

"That's not needed."

The person scurries to the bathroom and returns a few seconds later, fully cleaned.

"That was... Fast?"

"Heh, it kinda runs in the family."

"Uh-huh... Say, have we met before? You kind of look familiar."

"As far as I know we haven't."

"Huh, what's your name?"

"Lia... Uh, Lia... Moy."

"Huh, nice meeting you Lia."

"Nice meeting you too...?"

"Oh right, Y/N Thawne."

"Well nice to meet you too Y/N."

You take a sip of your coffee.

"So, who's the lucky girl?" Lia asks, motioning at your ring.

"Hm? Oh, her name is Nora. Nora Thawne."

"Nora... That's a nice name, I'm guessing the other coffee was meant for her?"

"Yeah, she's a little... Under the weather."

"Hm, I'll get you a new coffee."

"Oh that's really not necessary, I can buy it myself, after all I spilled it on you."

"Nah, it was my fault, I was standing in the way. You couldn't have known I was there."

Lia orders a coffee while you try to stop her, but to no avail. She hands the newly made coffee to you.

"Here you go, one Decaf Flash."

"How did you know which one to get?"

"I saw your receipt, and you don't really look like the Decaf Flash kind of guy so I ordered it."

"Huh, you're smart."

"Thanks, I get that a lot. Hey, you seem to be checking your watch a lot, everything okay?"

"Yeah no I'm good, I told my wife I'd be back at 15:30."

"You'd better get going then, it's 15:25."

"Oh yeah, see you."

"See you."

You walk out of Jitters.

'I could've sworn I've seen that woman somewhere before...'


You're currently with Barry and the others getting the Meta's on the helicopter, all those that were remaining on the list. It approaches, but so does Dwyer's dagger. It cuts the landing gear and Dwyer lands in front of everyone, depowering all of you. You and Barry immediately stand in front of the group.

"Thank you, Flash, for bringing them all to me. And Paradox, how is your little girlfriend?"

"She's doing fine, thanks for asking."

You walk to Dwyer but stop halfway due to Barry grabbing your shoulder.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go at him alone?" Ralph asks.

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now