•Chapter 3•

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I actually haven't had a panic attack today. And it's 10:45am. 15 minutes until professor Cunning is meant to come and get me.

My eyes were trained on the clock in the centre of the room as I ignored what my math teacher was explaining.

"Miss Hastings" Mr Barlow said aloud causing me to jump in my seat, everyone watched and laughed.

"Oh god, I'm sorry sir" I said as my leg began bouncing up and down.

"No problem just don't let it happen again, Jesus Christ Jake stop leaning back on your chair, you can crack your head open. I once had a studen-" Mr Barlow began his stupid story until a knock on the door interrupted him. The class cheered silently.

"So sorry to disturb your math lesson Mr Barlow but I was hoping to take Miss Hastings to my office if you don't mind" Mr Cunning's said as he pointed his finger at me.

Him and his fucking pointing.

"Ooh Hazel has a meeting with the new principle" jakes voice spoke up as he and his stupid friends laughed.

"If you carry on that way Mr Loyd and you'll be in detention" Mr Cunning's said before looking back at my math teacher.

"My apologies professor but Hazel needs to catch up with her work" Mr Barlow spoke up pointing at me.

What's with men and pointing Jesus fucking Christ.

"No, I'm afraid she will not be able to catch up on her work because she needs to come with me now" Cunning's said shooting a glare in his direction.

"Of course, of you go Hazel" he said before turning back to his computer.

Relief flooded through me as I grabbed my bag and walked out. Cunning's behind me.

"He's a miserable person isn't he?" He said as we made our way to his office.

"Don't tell him I said this but he's far worse than a miserable old man, I generally think his wife left him because he was so boring" I spoke up. Telling my principle what I thought of my maths teacher

"You have a point, ah here we are, come on let's get inside" Cunning's said before unlocking his office door and manoeuvring me inside.

I took a seat on the spare chair opposite his.

My Anxiety building up slowly I forced the tears back.

Why am I doing this...

I watched his every move until he took his seat and then I looked in his eyes.

"So I think you know why your here Hazel" he said. God the way he said my name.

"Yes I do, but can I see some confirmation that you are actually certified in this or else I will leave and tell you nothing" I said still looking at him. I had no bloody idea why I asked that

He laughed before scratching his chin and going into a drawer.

He pulled out a folder pushed it over to me and motioned me to open it.

I did as he said and his literal personal details were in this.

Moving my eyes away from his hometown and personal information I moved onto his professions.

And in bold black writing it said.

Counsellor for mental health

Nodding my head I shut the folder and slid it back over to him.

He raised an eyebrow before taking the folder and placing it back in the drawer.

"So, do you feel like you can talk to me now?" He said drinking out of a cup.

"Yes, I-I think I can, I'll warn you sir, it's really long" I said looking at my fiddling hands.

"That's what I'm here for, we have ages, even the rest of the day, I have nothing planned" he said with that stupid smirk.

"Okay, okay" I repeated as I looked at him again.

"Just so you know Hazel, anything that is said between us will stay between us, I know you've probably heard this a million times but I can swear on my mothers life, this will stay between us." Cunning's said looking directly in my eyes.

"Perfect" I replied forcing a smile.

"So if your comfortable, tell me everything"

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