•Chapter 8•

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I hadn't seen Kai in a few days.

He hadn't took me in his office to talk

I haven't even seen him. Not once.

I must admit, the skin on my lips is now chapped and broke. I've been panicking badly.

The popular boy. He's been glaring at me, looking me up and down, winking at me. And it's making me badly uncomfortable.

I just look to the classroom door in hopes he'll sweep in and take me to his office.

Ever since that day where he said he wanted to fuck me, I've been thinking it through. And he obviously just wants a quick fuck.

That couldn't hurt could it?

It won't batter my mental health to rock bottom.

What am I thinking. Of course it fucking will.

"Hey nerd" jakes voice echoed in the silent maths classroom.

The teacher had fell asleep. So everyone was on their phones silently chatting to their friends or whatever.

But not me. I was reading a book. I'd rather read a book than message my zero friends.

"What" i hissed refusing to look at him.

"Meet me at my locker after class, I want to tell you something" he said before slapping his friends hand under the table.


"Hmm I'll think about it" I replied before continuing to read A Good Girls Guide To Murder.

I heard nothing for the rest of the class.

No knocking on the door, no snores of the teacher. No tapping of peoples phones. It was deadly silent.

I was tempted to check to see if my maths teacher was still breathing. But I held myself back.

The bell rang piercing my ears as I quickly shoved my book in my bag and left.

That classroom was killing me.

I kept my head down until I felt a hand grip my shoulder and drag me backwards.

"What the fuck" I spat turning around to see Jake glaring at me.

Oh god I need Kai.

"I wanted to speak with you. Did I not?" He said rubbing his hand against his chin as if he was in deep thought.

So big headed.

"Oh yeah, I must've forgot I was deep inside my book, I wonder if you caught the title" I said finally standing up for myself. A bit.

"No what was the book called?" He said thinking it through.

"A good girls guide to murder" I said before walking of again, until I got dragged back.

"That sounds like a shit book" he said laughing with his friends like he was a famous comedian.

Jesus he's as funny as a bloody tortoise.

"Oh really? But I do know how to chop someone's cock of would you like me to practice on you?" I spat. No one disrespects A Good Girls Guide To Murder

I mean I didn't know how to cut someone's cock of. It was just so he would leave me the fuck alone.

I watched as his hand went over his dick before looking at me.

"I was inviting you to my party" he said bringing his confidence back.

Oh for crying out fucking loud.

Kill me now.

"I'm afraid she won't be able to attend. I have dinner with her mother and she's coming along" a voice interrupted me. I looked up to see Kai.

Luckily no one knows my mother is like. You know.. deceased.

"Oh Professor Cunning's, of course, sorry Hazel, hopefully you can come next time" Jake said before walking of.

I looked up at Kai, my anger obvious he dragged me into his office.

He shut the door and stood in front of me.

"Hazel before you start just know I wasn't running of" he said before finally allowing me to speak.

"You motherfucker, leaving the fucking university whilst you probably go and fuck other girls whilst I'm stuck here, biting and tearing the skin of my fucking lips worried about you. Jake has been giving me weird looks Kai and I needed to fucking speak to you, since you can fucking handle it" I spat pacing up and down the room, my bag on the floor somewhere.

"Shit, sorry for my language, Professor" I said finally realising how much I generally swore in that.

"It's fine. But I weren't Fuc-having sex with other girls. I was out on a business meeting I don't just do this job you know, I own my own business, Cunning's Interior Decor I was out on a business meeting. I apologise for not being here when you needed to speak with me when it was obviously needed" he said also pacing the room when I stopped.

I didn't realise he had another fucking job.

And it was annoying how he kept repeating 'I was out on a business meeting'

Fuck me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, for obvious reasons" I said looking down.

I felt two fingers raise my chin, opening my eyes I was met with his.

"Hey hey, it's okay, obviously you didn't know, but just making sure you don't actually know how to cut someone's penis of do you?" Kai said before pressing his lips on mine.

Holy fuck I'm kissing the Professor.

Soooo. How y'all doing?

How your all doing okay, next chapter should be out soon.

Love you all.

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