•Chapter 16•

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"You staying with me tonight again?" Kai asks as he drives into a Starbucks.

"Well we are Saturday and I have nothing else to do so yeah?" I replied looking out the window.

"Perfect, what do you want?" He asks motioning to the menu on a board.

"I'll pay for it, so don't do you dare give me then eyeballs Kai" I said as I tried to look closer at the shitty menu.

"Caramel iced coffee? Please" I said finally settling on my favourite drink.


I opened my purse and got my card out, waiting until he finally decided what he wants.

"Hi can we get a caramel iced coffee, and, a Large latte" Kai spoke putting on his posh voice.

"Of course it comes to £4.75 the card machine is just infront of you sir" the woman spoke. I passed my card over to him.

"Tap it" I said as I watched him struggle but manage to do it.

"That's handy" he said eyeing the contactless payment.

"Yes, you definitely need to get with today's technology" I replied as we went to the last window and got our drinks.

I watched his hands on the steering wheel as he made the turn out of Starbucks.

The veins becoming visible when he tensed.

Placing my drink in a cup holder I took my phone out and finally messaged 'Rebecca'

'Hey Rebecca I was wondering if we could meet up one day this week'

Kai's phone pinged as he picked it up smirked and typed back.

'Of course Charlie, I've been dying to finally meet you, where shall we meet?"

Thinking of a quite suspicious place but not too suspicious I messaged 'Rebecca'

'How about crow park? It's quite secluded but not too quiet'

"Good choice Haze, now we just need to look like them and try to take a picture on one of our phones" he replied.

He said the nickname.

The nickname my aunt calls me.

"Well turn left here, then a right and we'll be at a wig shop" I replied picking my drink back up.

"How do you know that?" Kai replies with looking at me in the corner of his eye.

"There's a sex shop next door, sells all sorts I kind of go in there sometimes" I said cringing at myself.

"So, your telling me, you have handcuffs?" Kai asks a glint of lust in his eyes.

"Erm yeah" I replied

"Very revealing underwear sets?" He asks

"Yes" I replied

"Dildos?" He asked

"Why did I tell you this, yes" I said noting never to tell him anything like this again.

"Wait wait wait, do you have them restraints, like where a man could tie you up and stop you from touching or moving?" He asks the lust in his eyes growing wider.

"Yes, I'm more comfortable in that type of area" I said hiding my red face in embarrassment.

"Stop hiding your face it's completely normal to be interested in that type of sex" he replies, the blue in his eyes clouded over.

I slowly move my gaze down to see his cock hard.

Oh fuck.

"Y-you have a problem" I said pointing to his rock hard dick.

"Oh that, yeah it started as soon as you said sex shop." He replied before grabbing my hand and placing it on his dick.

"Kai, we are in public" I said not removing my hand.

"Oh darling, there's a area behind here with trees covering a parking spot, no one parks there. We'll be going, so you can sort out this little problem" he said before making a sharp turn.

And I still hadn't removed my hand from his dick.

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