•Chapter 6•

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Trigger Warning
Disturbing Content
4 weeks later

It's happening again. I'm being bullied. The popular girls, along with Rosie, she's told them I was stuck in the office with Kai for a full school day. The little snake.

Today they've cornered me in a corridor, a corridor they made sure Kai doesn't come down. I'm crouched as I cling onto the sleeves of my jacket praying they won't lift the sleeves up.

I looked at my arms. I shouldn't of looked at my arms.

"Aww what you hiding whore" Abby the main popular girl spat as she ordered molly and lily to grab my arms. They obviously listened as I got dragged up and placed on my feet, Rosie was next to Abby a smirk on her lips but her eyes full of guilt.

Of course.

Molly and Lilly ripped my sleeves up and I shut my eyes I didn't want to see the ugliness of my scars  not after being clean for so long. I peeled one eye open and focused it on Rosie, her hand was at her mouth as her eyes glossed.

Oh now you cry

The eye left Rosie as it moved over to Abby, she was looking at my arms as if it was shit on her shoe.

"You dirty fucking attention seeker, how dare you use self harm as a way to get attention" she spat as she gripped my arm harder.

"Abby leave her, let's just go" Rosie spoke her voice cracking trying to remove Abby's hand from my arm

"No, I won't Rosie you told us that she had been in the office all day with Mr Cunning's.

I internally smirked at how jealous she was becoming.

Fuck it.

"Awh your jealous, how cute, I didn't know you had the hots for the principle, I don't think daddy would be happy about that Abby should I call him and tell him? I have his number" I gritted out as the pain in my arm was starting to become unbearable.

"You little slag" Abby spat before standing on a sharpener and picking up the blade..

She wouldn't.

She raised the blade before slicing it horizontally down my arm, I didn't scream nor move. She looked at me like I was insane.

"Why aren't you screaming?" She whispered as she did it again and again.

My eyes went above her head as I saw Kai bolting down the corridor.

Abby lifted the blade again but stopped at a booming voice "LEAVE HER ALONE ALL FOUR OF YOU IN MY OFFICE NOW" Kai yelled as he finally reached me.

"P-proffessor C-Cunning's, what a lovely s-surprise." Abby stammered as she still held onto my arm.

"Don't try that with me lady, show me your hand now" he glared at Abby as she finally placed her hand —the one with the blade— out infront of him.

Kai took his phone out and snapped a picture of it before taking a picture of my arm.

"I think your father would be pleased to see this, he can even take it to the police if he doesn't believe what you did, my office now"

Abby's face was pale before she followed suit the blade still in her hand.

It was only Rosie left.

"H-Hazel, I'm so sorry, I didn't know she would you know" she spluttered, I glared at her before walking towards her.

"You see this?" I said pointing to the 4 horizontal slashes.

"Yes hazel I do, I'm sorry I was jealous, please don't get rid of me you have no one else" she begged as she kept her eyes on the 4 slashes.

"I don't give a fuck if you were jealous, and I don't want anyone else, I have myself and that's all I fucking need now you best totter of to the principles office" I spat pure disgust and hatred in every word.

Rosie burst into tears and left.

I looked at my arm. And burst out in tears.

"Hazel, come with me Abby's father would like to see t-them in person" Kai spoke up as he appeared out of no where.

Nodding my head I followed him into his familiar office and there sat Abby's father, bright red in the face, like he was embarrassed.

"Miss Hastings is here" Kai spoke to Abby's father before moving and allowing him to look at my arm

"Your saying my daughter, my Abby did this to you dear?" Abby's father said inspecting the slashes further. The tear streaks still prominent on my face I nodded when he looked at me.

"Right okay, I believe you dear but I'll still take this blade to the police and get it tested I'll get the result rapidly since I am good friends with the chief" Abby's father said before gripping Abby's shoulder and marching her out.

"Oh Abby your excluded for 3 months, do your work at home. And the same goes for you three" Kai said pointing at Abby then the three girls who had tears down their face also.

3 months is something to be honest. I cant complain.

"Miss Hastings would you mind if I bring in the school nurse to bandage your injuries caused by unnecessary people?" Kai asked looking at me with them soft eyes.

"Of course" I replied.

I was done hiding my scars.

Well not entirely yet. But I'm taking baby steps.

"Take a seat in my chair whilst I take these three to reception" he said with a smile before making the girls stand up and leaving with them.

It didn't take long for the nurse.

She sat there bandaging my arm when she said

"Listen Hazel, do not ever be ashamed of your scars, people are irrelevant you don't need their thoughts and opinions these show the battles you've been. Through. It'll get better soon"

And then she left.

And I was left alone in this office until Kai eventually came back.

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