•Chapter 18•

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Time skip

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" Kai asked as he turned out of the alley.

"For fuck sake, there's fuck all wrong" I spat looking down at my phone.

"Don't use that tone with me" kai gritted as he sped up.

"Or what? You going to fuck me of for ebony?" I replied

I don't know why I'm in such a bad mood since my overthinking made me believe he's using me.

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you? BTEC barbie is a slut, okay? Now shut the fuck up" kai raised his voice whilst smacking his fists on the wheel.

Oops, I pushed a button.

But did he really just yell at me?

"Stop this fucking car now, I'm going home" I said beginning to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Oh darling, we are going home" he said smirking before hitting the speed limit and turning on a sharp corner.

"What the fuck is it with you and fucking sharp turns" I yelled. I was getting wound up myself.

"Right, we'll play this way" kai said before slamming on the breaks.

Lurching forward I stopped myself from crashing into anything.

I kept my gaze ahead as I felt Kai's presence move to the backseat.

The rustling of bags echoed through the car before a jangle of metal overtook it.

Groaning when he sat back in his seat, I looked at what he had in his hand out of the corner of my eye.

He had the fucking handcuffs I bought. Well what he bought but what I chose.

"Give me your hands Hazel" kai said darkly.

Me being stubborn I didn't respond to his question and looked out the window.

"Give me your fucking hands" he said again, I could tell his patience was running thin.

"Fuck it" he whispered to himself before placing the handcuffs on his lap before grabbing my hands.

I struggled as I attempted to get out of his grip.

Failing so bloody miserably I let him hold them.

"Now, that wasn't hard was it?" He said as he opened one of the handcuffs cuffs and placing my wrist into it.

I watched silently as he tightened the cuff around my wrist to the point where it could snap, before doing the exact same to the other one.

"Now you be a good girl and keep them on, I have the key, you can only get out of them if you tell me what the fuck is wrong, okay?" He said making sure he hid the key.

I think I want to tease him.

A smirk on my lips I turned to face him.

"Yes Sir or should I say Yes Master?" I spoke watching his jaw clench and unclench before the bulge in his pants grew.

"For fuck sake hazel" he groaned attempting to make his dick go back soft.

"That's not going to work Sir" I said before facing away from him.

"Yes I gathered that. Thank you very much hazel" kai said as he rubbed his fingers on his temples before carrying on driving to his house.

The handcuffs felt like they was cutting of my blood circulation but in all honesty I'm extremely turned on.

I could feel the wetness in my underwear as we made the turn into his driveway.

I couldn't keep still as I kept shuffling around on the seat just attempting to find some sort of friction.

"You seem bothered" kai spoke that stupid ass smirk on his face.

"Will you shut the fuck up please" I said almost moaning at the tension I was feeling.

"Your getting flustered Hazel" kai spoke on a whisper as he got out of the car, walked round to my side and opened the door.

I watched as he kept his hands on the top of his car before lowering them and grabbing mine.

What I wasn't expecting was a wet spot right where my pissy was aching for a release.

Sitting myself back down straight away kai looked at me confused.

"My legs are achy, I'll meet you in the house" I said fake smiling at him. I still think he's using me.

"No, get your arse up now, your legs aren't achy, your just embarrassed about something" kai said before trying to get me standing up.

I pretty much glued myself to my seat.

"Hazel, get up" kai said before groaning, lowering his arms until he reaches my waist, picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.

"Kai, kai, no, don't, please, please put me down" I rushed hitting his back with my cuffed hands.

"Hazel there's noth— oh, are you soaked Hazel?" Kai said as he spotted the wet spot on the seat.

"N-no" i stammered hiding my face in his back.

"I think you are pretty girl" kai whispered before his free hand travelled down to my pussy before bringing his hand back up to him.

"Darling, your absolutely soaked, does the handcuffs turn you on since there so tight?" Kai asked as he walked into the house me still on his back.

"M-maybe" I said my voice muffled in his back.

"Well, I think the only way we can sort this, is if I fuck you until your screaming for me to stop... what do you think" kai said placing me down on the top of the stairs.

"I don't know? Maybe?" I replied earning a harsh slap on my right arse cheek.

"Fucking cunt" I spat as I fell onto his bed. My face hidden in his sheets.

"Look at this fucking artwork. It's making me so fucking hard" kai said as he traced a finger over the curve of my ass.

"I have a little surprise for you" kai whispered before throwing a second pair of handcuffs on the bed landing right in front of me.

Fuck yes.

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