•Chapter 20•

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Placing Kai's wig on was harder than I had thought.

His laughs kept echoing causing his head to keep moving as I attempted to glue this fucking thing on.

He was laughing at me.

I had this boy wig on and I did NOT suit it.

"Y-you look like a waffle" kai managed to get out before bursting into a fit of giggles.

This man.

And I do not look like a waffle

"Just sit fucking still" I said so close to ripping this fucking thing of my head and cancelling this plan.

"Wait, isn't it best if your ebony? Since your small?" Kai asked as he looked at me.

"Fuck" I said before going to the mirror and carefully taking this wig of.

"Pass me yours" I said to Kai as I waited for the hair to land in my hand.

Doing the same steps I made sure you couldn't tell it was a wig before facing Kai.

"That's better" Kai said before taking his seat, pointing to the wig then his head.

Doing his was a lot easier since we switched.

"Done, next is makeup, do not flinch, move, laugh, giggle, chuckle, do not do anything that could make this unbelievable okay?" I said grabbing my makeup.

"Yes miss" he whispered before looking in the mirror.

Fuck. That was hot.

"Your a bit flustered do you like being called miss hazel?" Kai said as he obviously noticed my red face.

"Oh shut up" I said quietly before sitting infront of him.

The makeup to make him look more like a 19 year old boy was fucking awful.

Laughing, moving away, saying 'that tickles' all because he weren't use to it.

I punched him in his cock at one point.

Mine on the other hand didn't take long at all, using ebony's photos I attempted to do it some sort perfect.

Turning to face kai when I was done I was me with a disgusted look.

"You look to much like BTEC barbie, I hate it" he said before taking my hand and jumping into his second car.

A grey Audi so it didn't look suspicious.

Pulling up to crow park I looked for the best place.

"How about there?" Kai said pointing over to a secluded area. Or more like the abandoned kids park on the far right.

"Yeah, seems like no one even steps foot in there, the weeds are overgrown and everything" I said before jogging over towards it.

I looked in every possible place to place the other phone, so it didn't lead back to me or kai.

Luckily there was a timer on this phone.

Finding a spot I placed the phone down.

Whistling I alerted kai to come over to me.

"Found a place?" He said as he finally reached me.

"Yep" I said before pointing to the phone.

"Perfect, I'll set the timer thingy, go get in position on the round about.

Jogging back over to the middle of the abandoned park I took a seat which was most visible to the phone.

"Timer set" kai shouted Before jogging to me.

"Just pretend I'm me" I whispered before smashing my lips on his.

His hands on my chin we kept the kiss in tact even-though the photo was probably already taken.

Pulling away he smiled at me.

"Let's go check" he whispered before jogging over to get the phone before bringing it back.

A smirk on his face he handed the phone to me.

"It's perfect" kai a whispered as he crouched to my level.

And it was a perfect picture.

The faces of 'Rebecca' and 'Charlie' looked so familiar to BTEC Barbie and the fake Charlie.

"What do we do with it now?" I asked the phone still in my hand.

"Give it into the police anonymous with all the messages" kai replies before grabbing the phone and my hand.

"We'll send it by mail, that way no one will know its us, we just need to go to the local library, and then I sadly need to order lots of English work books" Kai said as he put his car in reverse.

"you'll be fine, and anyways, I'm kind of excited to see the boy I'm fucking teach me dear Shakespearian" I replied taking the other phone and looking at it more closely.

We can't afford any fucking mistakes.

"oh? I didn't tell you did I? I'm not doing English anymore Haze, I'm doing science, I'm just buying the books for another teacher, and the first thing I'm going to teach is sex education, in more detail" Kai said smirking but his eyes on the road.

"Your joking right?" I spoke embarrassment flooding my veins.

"of course I am, because I'd have to talk about inappropriate relationships, with age ectera" he said before coming to a stop.

"no fucking way" Kai muttered looking out of his window.

"wha-? no fucking way" I said as soon as I saw Ebony with the man who killed my dad.

"help me get this fucking wig of, stay in this fucking car" I said to Kai, he did as I said with shaky hands.

"who even is he Hazel?" Kai asked as he finished removing the wig and excess makeup

"that's the motherfucker who beat my dad to death, stay in this fucking car" I spat before tying my natural hair up, exiting the car and heading in a straight bee line to him.

Edward Bamford.

you son of a bitch

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