•Chapter 25•

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One week Until Halloween

I hadn't spent time with Kai all weekend. We messaged obviously but he couldn't find the time to see me either.

It made me wonder that maybe he was planning something for Halloween as well as me.

Gripping at my hair I stared at the word document which has a list of things I needed to buy.

Outfits Literally just outfits

Releasing my fingers from my hair I stared at the white screen blinding my vision.

"Oh I can't do this" I said to myself before slamming the lid of my laptop shut.

Groaning in my hands I laid back into the creaky kitchen chair before staring at my ceiling.

Removing my eyes from the ceiling I stared at the empty chair opposite me before pushing back my own chair and walking into my room.

Falling straight onto my bed I took my glasses of and threw them on my bed.

Still dressed I stayed on my bed going through my days next week.

I wasn't in university Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

That gives me three days to try and make him beg.

Yes. Beg.

Which is why I chose Halloween.

I needed to show kai that I'm technically not someone who can be stepped all over.

I need to show him that I am confident and brave enough to face anything.

Fuck me I sound like a terrible 11 year old girl fan-girling over a celebrity.

Checking the clock to my left I saw the time at 11pm

No shops will be open now.

Sitting up I quick walked to my shut computer opened it and typed down everything that was in my head before I could forget.

Reading through the list I got distracted by my phone ringing.

Picking it up I saw Kai's name on the screen. A wave of excitement flooded over me as I answered.


'My love, Halloween is starting early for us, meet me on Friday at my place, now get some sleep I love you' he said down the phone.

Phone to my ear I stood rooted to the spot.

'Okay, I love you too' I said and then ended the phone.

Placing my phone down I stared at the word document.


Shutting the laptop I walked back to my room. Turned the lights of and got into bed. Falling asleep as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning.
6 days until Halloween.

Looking at the receipt my eyes were glued to the price.

I literally spent £40 on shit for this Halloween thing I'm planning.

I began walking back to my dorm until I saw Kai's car parked.

Checking the license plate it confirmed it was kai.

What is he doing here?

Shaking my head I threw my hood up and sped walked back home.

Turning the corner I spotted the dorm flat come into view.

Nearly there.

I walked faster until I reached the door, opening it and bolted up to my dorm.

Unlocking my door I placed the bag on the table.

Taking my jacket of and placing my bag on the door I tipped the contents of my shopping bsf onto the table.

One outfit.



Thigh high leather boots

£40 on this

I mean it was a bargain especially with the shoes.

They were meant to be £55 i got them for £30

Grabbing the items I walked into my room and stripped.

Looking at the outfit I grimaced at the material.

Shiny leather or something like that.

Pulling the zip down I stepped onto it before pulling it over my thighs— with great fucking struggle — and my upper half, walking over to my drawer I grabbed a grab stick think and placed it on the zip before pulling it up.

Dropping the grab stick I stared in the mirror.

I looked fucking good.

But I should've put the tights on first.

Groaning at the realisation I unzipped the outfit took it of and placed the tights on.

Redoing the whole steps on the outfit again I zipped it up and grabbed the boots.

Sliding them on I buckled and zipped them and stood in the mirror.

These boots made me quite tall

And I looked so fucking hot.

I stared at my reflection for a while before finally taking the full outfit of.

Hanging it up in my wardrobe I got into some pyjamas and sat on my couch.

The urge to show kai my outfit would have to wait.

6 more fucking days.

I'm aware that this chapter is absolute rubbish, and I apologise I'm just so tired and I needed to upload 😬

Next few chapters should be good 😏

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