•Chapter 5•

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Dinner flew by and by the time the bell rang I was already in Mr Cunning's office drinking more water as I waited for him to come back from informing my teachers that I'll be with him.

I heard the door unlock and the sound of footsteps come closer.

I watched as he manoeuvred his way behind his desk and take a seat grabbing the notebook what he was writing in.

"So Hazel, your teacher is informed. We was up to age 14? Was it?" He said looking at me with a smile.

"Yes we was" I said taking another drink of water before beginning.

"Not much happened when I was 15, it was peaceful sort of, so I'll skip to 16. My sixteenth year of living was probably the worst rollercoaster in existence theoretically. At the age of 16 I lost my mum to drugs, she didn't die yet, but she turned to heroine, cocaine, weed, all that nasty shit. And as you may know me seeing my mum end up like that was horrific, she asked me for money to pay her debts, she asked me for money to pay for her drugs, I had to show my boobs to the dodgy man who was in the shop just to get my mum her cigarettes and alcohol. It worked obviously. But your mum is meant to be your role model the person you always look up to, and that's what I did, I turned to drinking and smoking, I didn't do any type of drug. But one night I was at a shitty party with a couple of friends and we was all drunk, like drunk to the point we couldn't go home.

My mum wasn't bothered to be honest, she was proud, she was proud I was turning into a fucking alcoholic. Well that night things took a turn for the worst, I left my drink with a friend whilst I went to the bathroom, when I came back I took my drink, and chugged it all. After about 10 minutes or so I began to feel dizzy, weak, nauseous. I checked the bottom of my cup to see residue from left over drugs. I was shocked. My friend generally put drugs in my drink to fuck me up.

She put so much in she's lucky I didn't overdose, but I fainted on a deck chair that was near their pool. And all I remember was waking up, In a bedroom, a-and a boy a lot older than me was over me, a malicious look in his eyes as he stuffed something in my mouth I didn't know what it was but I knew it was to keep me quiet, the tears fell straight away, I knew what was happening and I couldn't do fuck all about it because I was too weak to move, I was to drunk, so I allowed it. When he was pleased he took whatever was in my mouth out and threw it, Then he put his pants on and left, and I laid there, naked and in agony, no one came to help me. No one at all.

So I fell asleep, the next morning I struggled getting out of the bed, when I did I got my clothes on and ran home. My mascara ruined, my lipstick smeared, I was a mess, my hair was matted and when I stumbled in my house my mum was passed out on the couch with a needle stuck in her arm, sobbing even more I ran over it her, checking her neck and wrist, there was no pulse. I think you know what happened, I lost my mother and got sexually assaulted at 16. I rang my grandma, she took me in, I had no one apart from her. And she helped me overcome my grief and rage. My grandma is a lovely woman. I adore her so fucking much. But she died on the day I turned 17..." I stopped. I was choking on my own breath as I finished.

Struggling I grabbed my water and drained it.

"C-can I fill it up?" I asked scared of his reply.

"Of course, the sink is in that cupboard" he said quietly. I stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the sink filling my bottle. Fastening the lid I sat back down.

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