•Chapter 15•

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Content may be disturbing


"Right, laptop, pens, highlighters, phones, pencils" Kai muttered under his breath as she checked every single item for the 20th time.

"Kai, it's all there, let's just start it's 10:00am for crying out loud" I said finishing my cup of coffee which he made for me.

"Okay I'm just making sure, we need a code name for her" he said a mischievous smirk on his lips.

"How about, BTEC Barbie" I suggested thinking at how much she tired to be perfect. When no one is perfect.

"I like that, right, so we need a false name for the account which is Rebecca, with pictures of ebony sent into the chat, your being a young boy name Charlie he's 19 and has been talking to a supposed 20 year old when in real life BTEC Barbie is like 26 and Charlie is like 17-18 we are messaging BTEC Barbie on Instagram so the proof will be there. Got it?" Kai rambled on before taking a breath and finishing his drink.

"Yes, you send the first message" I replied pointing to his phone.

"I will, but we have to keep this going for—" "a while yes I know so it doesn't seem odd" I said cutting him of.

We've had this conversation about 1000 times since we both woke up.

"Right okay" he said before the tapping of his phone alerted me he was messaging me on the fake account.

My phone pinged.

I opened my Instagram and checked the message.

'Hey, I found your Instagram on mutual friends, I hope we can actually become friends'

The message said, I giggled at how corny it was.

Shaking my head I typed back.

'Hi, yes of course we can try and become actual friends'

"Done" I said placing my phone down. Seeing Kai smile at me.


The messages between 'Charlie' and 'Rebecca' had gone on for hours now.

I must admit it's really fun, to pretend to be someone else.

Me and Kai was on his bed watching Netflix until a harsh slap landed on my left arse cheek.

"Fuck me kai no need" I whined attempting to cool down the slap with my own hand.

"I can't help myself, your literally naked and just in my top, what do you want me to do?" Kai asked laughing.

"Keep yourself controlled" I said rolling my eyes before carrying on watching the series.

Picking my phone up I scrolled through 'Rebecca's' and 'Charlie's' messages before finally sending another message.

Hitting send I waited for Kai's other phone to ping, he picked it up when it did, read the message before I heard the tapping of the phone screen and a ping on my phone.

Opening up the messages I near enough choked on my own saliva reading it.

'You don't know how bad I want to have sex with you Charlie'

Well, looks like this plan increased.

Thinking of a response I finally settled on.

'Don't tease me like that, you should already know I get hard when you just message me'

A deep groan was heard throughout the room as I saw kai tensing his jaw.

"I must say BTEC barbie is quite out there" I said noticing his smug smile as he typed another message.

"Yeah, and the real me, will be so much more out there once you read that message" kai said before pressing send. My phone pinged.

"Jesus christ" I said as I read the message.

'How about you come over here and fuck me like you want to'

I am most likely soaked by now.

"Hazel, we'll do the messages for another day, it's absolutely torturing knowing your saying all this shit as someone else" Kai said crawling over to me and kissing my shoulder.

"Okay Mister bold" I said laughing and allowing him to carry on kissing my shoulder which led to my neck before he finally kissed my lips.

Pulling away he looked at me.

A look that I couldn't decipher

"I want to take you out. We'll go out of town and to a restaurant, so no one can bother us, and I'll even book a table somewhere a bit more private" he said kissing my forehead before picking me up and sitting me on his lap.

"Of course I'll go on a date with you" I said resting my head into his neck.

"How did you know it's a date" he whispered in my ear.

"I'm Hazel Hastings Kai, I'm smarter than you think" I said before falling silent and just enjoying the peace with the small noise of the tv in the background.

If you know what'll be coming up soon. You know :)

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