•Chapter 21•

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"Edward fucking Bamford" I gritted out as i came face to face with my fathers murderer.

"oh no way, your the little girl I saved from that homeless fucker. how you doing?" He said leaving Ebony's embrace and going to hug me. stepping away I glared at him.

"Did you actually know who that man was?" Edward spoke confused that I ignored his smelly stupid worthless hug.

"of course I fucking did, he was my fucking father" I spat my face now facing the floor, the tears beginning to surface.

He was a twat but he was still my dad.

"Oh I'm sorry, it looked like he was molesting you" Edward said before chuckling.

Pushing the tears back my body boiled with anger.

How dare he laugh in my fathers death.

Raising my head, I pointed a finger into his chest hard.

"Listen, you motherfucker, you should've gone down for fucking murder, killing my own homeless father because you didn't fucking think right, you just assumed the worst" I said jabbing my finger into his chest harder.

"Listen Hazel" Ebony began but I glared at her.

"Shut the fuck up you little slut" I spat at her before turning to face Edward once more.

"Listen baby girl, I didn't mean to 'kill' your father" Edward said using his fingers as apostrophes for the word 'kill'

"I'm sick of this, I'm sick of being pushed around like I'm shit on someone's shoe, I'm sick of being the mentally unstable fucking university girl who uses an apparent sob story to make people believe me" I nearly screamed before balling my fist and swinging it straight into his nose.

A crack and a groan was heard as I pulled my fist away to examine Edwards blood now dribbling down my fingers like raindrops on a window.

"Crazy bitch" he groaned out before spitting out some blood and stepping towards me.

"What you going to do huh? Hit me in front of a public audience, this whole fucking town knows what you did to my fucking dad." I finally let loose and swing my first at him again.

Another crack, another groan.

I hit him a few more times before finishing him with a hard kick into his cock.

"Have fun making babies with him" I spat at ebony before walking off, avoiding everyone's gaze.

Edward still crippled on the floor Ebony at his side.

Getting back into Kai's car he handed me the makeup wipes as I began to wipe the wet and dry blood of my hands.

"That was sexy" kai muttered before turning his car on and turning a few corners until we ended up at the library.

"I needed that, if it weren't going to be BTEC barbie it was going to be someone, now come on, let's get these fucking things printed." I said my anger still valid but drifting away slightly.

"Yes miss" kai some in my ear before walking through the doors of the library.

"Carry on calling me that and I'll be fucking you on a bookshelf" I said quietly but loud enough so he could hear.

"That doesn't seem like a bad idea" kai muttered before walking over to the printer, plugging the other phone in and waiting for every single screenshot and finally the picture to come through.

"Right, we need an envelope" kai said as he collected the sheets of paper.

"No, no, don't, they can do a DNA test, use these" I said bringing out some gloves

"Okay? I still need an envelope" kai said placing the gloves on

"Here" I said bringing one out from my bag.

"No normal person carries round a bloody envelope" kai said before chuckling.

I watched as he placed the pieces of paper carefully in the envelope before peeling the sticky tan of it and sticking it down.

"Now a stamp and someone else to write down the police station." Kai said as he kept ahold of the envelope.

We left quietly.

Getting back in his car he turned and went straight ahead until the post office came into view.

Grabbing the sweaty gloves that were now of Kai's hands I placed them on before hiding my hands in one of Kai's jumpers that he kindly let me have.

Grabbing the envelope I walked straight into the post office and to the nearest available queue line.

"Next!" The person behind a screen said, my hood thrown up I walked towards the man.

"The police station, keep the change" I said throwing the envelope and some money on the counter before walking out.

Sitting back In Kai's car we began to drive back to his.

"I need to go home tonight, I have classes first thing tomorrow" I said yawning, I was still exhausted.

"I know my love, you can keep the jumper I'll drop you home now, the police should get it by tomorrow and hopefully if we are lucky, take her away" Mai said as he turned the corner to the university.

"Which one's yours?" He asked as he scanned each dorm block.

"The ugly one on the far right" I said not even bothered if he hated the look of it.

"No we can't have that, I'll get your dorm changed first thing tomorrow, your getting a better one" kai said before stopping the car.

He looked at me with a soft smile.

"We did it Angel" he said softly before kissing me.

Moaning in satisfaction, I wrapped my hands around his neck.

Pulling away he buried his head into my chest.

"Another time, you need sleep" he said muffled from my tits.

"See you tomorrow, professor" I said before kissing his forehead and leaving the car.

Time for my actual bed.

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