Soos and the Real Girl-Part Three

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Eventually, After a walk through town, Soos led Dipper and Bill to a small looking house with a white fence. He opened the fence, letting the two walk towards the front door.

"Here we are," Soos announced, before digging into his pocket and pulling out a key. "Welcome to my casita, she may be a little rough around the edges, and smell slightly of burnt hair, but she's home."

"On second thought, this was a mistake," Bill stated, turning around to leave, but Dipper grabbed him by his arm.

"Come on," Dipper ushered.

Soos opened the door, and revealing the old interior of the house. Soos's comment about burnt hair wasn't a lie, the house also smelt richly of lavender, mint, and assortments of
incense. It was like a nuclear bomb was dropped on Bill's sinuses.

Reluctantly, Bill followed Dipper and Soos inside the strong smelling home, and looked around while the mayor shut the door behind them.

"OK, now where's your room?" Bill asked.

Soos replied. "While, it should be down—"


The three turned, and a short figure stepped out the kitchen. It was an old lady, that bared a striking resemblance to the mayor.

"Abuelita!" Soos smiled, rushing to hug her.

His grandmother, returned his embrace, with extra affection. After a minute, they separated, the woman now known as Abuelita said;

"Oh, it's been so long Soos," She said, warmly. "What brings you here? Would you and your friends like something to eat?"

"Unfortunately, we won't be staying long," Soos told her. "Is my old room still here? There's something in there that's really important."

"Of course, I kept everything in there," Abuelita said, pointing down the hall.

"Thank you," The mayor said, before walking down the hall, with Dipper and Bill in tow.

Abuelita called back. "Let me know if you and your friends need anything to eat, the one with the yellow hair looks particularly sickly."

"I like that lady, I respect her brutal honesty," Bill claimed.

After a short walk, they made it to Soos's bedroom. The mayor opened it to reveal a room with walls covered with movie posters, shelves stacked with action figures, and a computer desk nearby.

Soos inhaled deeply. "Ah, I miss that good ol' bedroom smell."

"Why does it smell like corn ships and loneliness?" Bill murmured under his breath.

"Mayor, do you recall where you put the game?" Dipper asked him.

Soos scratched his head in puzzlement. "Uh, sort of? It's got to be around here somewhere, we just gotta split up and look."

Bill groaned. "Fine, but I better not stumble onto any questionable magazines."

"You're one to talk, Bill," Dipper scoffed. "I am still traumatised from last time."

"When I allowed you to use my phone, no one asked you to type in the letter 'p'," Bill remarked.

"I wanted to search up what a piccolo was, but all I got was mental scarring!"

"Guys, don't mean to interrupt, but we should hurry know, Giffany tries to kill my wife," Soos pointed out.

The two agreed, and the search began. For a full minute, they looked around the cluttered room. Bill didn't find anything, except for a half eaten pizza that looked a decade old. As every second passed, Bill wished that he stayed home. He moved to one corner of the room, hoping to find something there. However, before he could continue his search, he stumbled when a splitting headache rippled through his brain. Bill bit back a yell, and collapsed to his knees, while clutching the sides of his head.

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