The Love God-Part Two

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After a short walk, the group came across the nearest graveyard, where Wendy's friends were waiting for them.

"Yo, Wendy!" Nate greeted, approaching her, followed by the others.

"Hey, guys," Wendy smiled, giving her each of her friends a high five. "I hope you don't mind me bringing the Ciphers and Pines along."

"Of course we don't mind," Lee assured. "I still have to thank Mabel for letting me help out in her Smile Dip business—"

Mabel interrupted him by hushing him. "Ssh, Lee! You signed an oath of silence..." She whispered to him.

"Mabel, don't tell me you're doing something illegal again," Dipper sighed.

"Hey! Smile Dip is still legal in three different states," Mabel argued. "Granted, I can't remember the name of them, but I'm pretty sure there were three!"

"Okay, moving on from Shooting Star's questionable business choices," Bill chimed. "What's the plan with this Woodstick Festival? Can I make fun of hippies after or during the festival?"

"Firstly, we were conducting a plan to sneak free snacks in," Wendy told them. "We're gonna tape a couple to Thompson's body and hope for the best."

"I'll do anything for validation," Thompson smiled.

"These people seem like a functional group," Mason said, sarcastically.

"Hey, who's this guy?" Lee asked, pointing to Mason. "And why does he look like Dipper if he was a sickly Victorian child?"

"This is coming from a guy who looks like bathes in grease and failure," Mason murmured under his breath.

"This is Mason," Will said, quickly. "He's a friend of ours—"

"Not to mention, our little brother," Mabel beamed, proudly, gesturing to her and Dipper.

"I didn't know you two had a little brother," Tambry said, emotionlessly, while staring at her phone screen.

"Heh, yeah," Dipper chuckled, forcibly. "Neither did I." He whispered bitterly, which earned a hard nudge from Mabel. "Ow!"

"Anyway," Mabel started, shooting Dipper a look. "He'll be joining us."

"Welcome to the team, little man!" Nate smiled at Mason, ruffling his hair. "You're gonna like hanging out with us."

When Nate withdrew his hand, Mason smoothed down his hair. "Noted," He muttered, grudgingly.

"Okay, enough with the introductions," Wendy chimed in. "It's time we prepare for tonight, let's go to the nearest convenience store and get as many chips and tape as—"

The redhead was interrupted, as a low gruntled moan echoed through cemetery, scaring away a flock of crows nearby. The group turned to where the sound originated, which was an open grave.

"Ugh great, zombies again?" Bill groaned.

Mason gave him a look. "What?"

"He meant zombie cosplayers!" Will jumped in. "Oh, those silly horror fanatics, always trying to scare everyone with their advanced cosmetics, hahaha..."

"Someone should go look to make sure," Nate said, smiling at Lee. "You, go look."

"No way! You look!" Lee snapped.

"Ooh, someone's scared," Nate teased. "Want me to hold your hand to make you feel safer?"

Lee flushed, and elbowed him. "Or I could just throw you in there, that sounds like a better plan."

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