The Last Mabelcorn-Part Two

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Next thing he knew, Bill was in an elevator going down towards who knows where.

He casted a suspicious glance at Ford, who was quiet for the whole ride. He then turned to Tad, who was also looking at the Night Guardian, but with concern rather than suspicion.

Bill will never understand what Tad saw in the old man.

At the far side of the elevator, Dipper was fiddling with his fingers. Bill willed the courage, before slowly drawing closer to him.

"So," the blond started, after an uncomfortable silence. "It's been long since we've hung out, huh?"

Dipper managed a smile that looked oddly forced. "I wouldn't qualify this as 'hanging out'."

Bill shrugged. "I mean, we are descending to a place of unknown and possibly filled with unimaginable not that far-off from our usual dates."

Dipper chuckled softly, and Bill smiled. Nailed it.

Now, for the hard part. Bill swallowed thickly, and dared to look into Dipper's cosmic gaze.

"Listen, Pine Tree..." His throat dried, and sweat gathered on his neck. "...I know things have been...not ideal. But, we really need to talk about what happened."

Dipper regarded him, completely silent.

Bill gulped. "Not only should we talk about the portal and Ford...but maybe...maybe we could talk about us—"

"We're here," Ford interrupted, in a rather harsh tone.

Bill glared at him, never wanting to punch a grandpa in face more than he did right now.

The elevator shrieked to a stop, and the four walked out into a dark red-tinted room with a giant computer.

"What is this place?" Dipper gasped.

Ford gestured around him. "Welcome to my private study, a place where I keep my most ancient and secret knowledge. Even your uncle Stan doesn't know about this place. Watch your step—AND DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!" He yelled at Bill, who was reaching for the control panel connected to the computer.

Bill pulled away from it with a grumble. "I can't have shit in this house..."

Dipper looked around in amazement. He was still angry with Ford, but he couldn't help but be fascinated by the man's work. He froze, when he saw a familiar device on a desk.

"Why is this here?" he demanded, picking up the memory gun.

Tad shrugged. "I gave it to Ford to study. His eyes lit up when he saw it, like a kid in a candy store—"

"Let's move on, shall we," Ford snapped, quickly taking the gun from Dipper and placing it back on the desk.

Bill shot Tad a look, as the Purple Demon gave Ford an endearing smile. "You're a simp, you know that?"

"I have no clue what that means," Tad stated. "But I'll take it as a compliment."

At the back of the room, Ford was taking something out of a box. It was a metal bowl-shaped hamlet with wires sticking out of it. "Here it is. Now, the reason I brought you here is to fill you in on a backup plan incase Demon-proofing the shack doesn't work—"

"Yeah, about that," Bill interrupted. "I'm a bit concerned about this whole Demon-proofing thing. Since, you know, my brothers and I are Demons."

Ford looked annoyed by his interruption, but answered his question nevertheless. "Don't worry, Cipher, I'm aware of your concerns. With the help of our magic specialist here." He smiled at Tad. "He found a way for him to safely cross the barrier without getting hurt."

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