Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons-Part One

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Bill only knew Ford for a few days, and he already hated him.

It was nothing short of a miracle, that Sixer rarely comes out of the basement, because Bill wasn't sure how many sharp glares he could take from the old man before snapping.

"You good there, Bill?" Mabel asked. "You look like Grunkle Stan when there's no mayonnaise left."

The two of them were in a kitchen, sitting by the counter. Bill sighed, not feeling like opening up right now. "I'm fine, it's just this whole Ford and Tad scenario gotten into my head."

Mabel nodded in agreement. "I hear that. I finally got all my family back together, and they won't even look at each other! Let alone actually talk it out..."

"Yeah," Bill murmured, gingerly looking to the side. "Dipper hasn't said a word to me after that incident with the portal."

She gave him a sympathetic look. "He'll come around, he has a lot on his mind too. In the meantime, let's try to get things back to normal...or at least, our type of normal."

"That's gonna be pretty hard with Sixer around."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad—"

There was a loud hissing, and the two turned to see a tentacled creature scampering into the kitchen. They both screamed, climbing onto the counter as Ford came into the kitchen trying to catch it.

"Grunkle Ford, what is that thing!?" Mabel yelled, as the creature ran into a corner.

"Don't worry, it's just a Cycloptopus!" Ford explained, slowly approaching the thing. "It's almost harmless, just don't let it taste human flesh!" He tackled the thing to the floor, and started repeatedly punching it.

Eventually the thing went limp in his hands, and the Guardian held it up. "Phew, crisis averted, everyone."

"Sixer, what the hell!" Bill snapped. "This is the third time some freaky creature came into this kitchen!"

"Relax, Demon," Ford remarked, stuffing the creature into a satchel hanging from his shoulder. "Since you opened the portal, it's energy has been attracting anomalies to our location. Technically, this is your fault."

"Valid point, I should've just let you rot in there, would've saved me the headache," Bill snapped. "Also, it was your little purple friend that got us into this mess in the first place."

"Someone mentioned me?" Tad said, walking into the kitchen.

"Speak of the devil," Bill said. "Tad, would you tell Sixer here—what do you have in your hand?"

Tad blinked, and looked down at the loaf of bread in his hand, which had a chunk bitten out of it. "Oh, I'd thought I'd try normal food for once. So I whipped myself a...what do you call it..a sandwotch?."

Bill's eye twitched. "You mean, a sandwich?"

"Ah, yes! That's right."

"Tad...you're supposed to put things on the bread to make a sandwich."

Tad tilted his head. "Really?"


"Um, okay then." Tad went to the cabinets, humming under a merrily tune. Meanwhile, Bill turned back to Ford.

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