Little Gift Shop of Horrors-Final

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It was nighttime in the Mystery Shack. Bill, Stan, Mabel, and Will were crowded around the TV, watching a movie.

"You did it, Shimmery Twinkle-heart!" The girl character on the TV said. "Jaywalking is no more!"

"No, you did it, Cinnamon," Shimmery Twinkle-heart jostled.

"Because you believed in yourself!" Mabel and Will mimicked the character onscreen, then both laughed cheerfully.

Stan and Bill didn't share their enthusiasm, they both sat on the sofa, groaning loudly.

"Who was the idiot who let these two pick out the movie?" Bill snapped.

"That would be you, Blondie," Stan replied.

"Well, I wish I could go back in time and slap myself."

"C'mon, guys, it's a great movie if you actually give it a chance," Mabel insisted. "It may look sparkly and childish on the outside, but it has themes that addresses real life issues in a philosophical way, and subtle adult jokes to make the parents laugh."

"Don't care, we're watching something else," Bill decided.

"And I know just the thing," Stan said, sitting up from the sofa, pulling out a movie. "It's time you kids watch something from my time."

"Fez, you are over a hundred years old," Bill said. "Movies weren't invented in your time."

"Maybe not movies that you know of," Stan said, winking. "Anyway, get ready for references you don't understand and words you can't repeat." He slipped the movie in the player, after taking the other one out.

The title of the movie popped on screen, The Voyages of Loinclothiclese. The first scene showed a man in a loincloth fighting a claymation cyclops.

The man on the TV screamed. "You're no match for Loinclothiclese! I've come for the golden pants!"

The group was watching the movie calmly, except for Will. The blue haired boy looked nervous, as his eyes focused on the stop-motion cyclops. When the cyclops turned to the camera and roared, Will's face contorted with fear, and he screamed loudly before running upstairs.

"Will!" Bill called out, in concern.

"Well, your brother's broken," Stan noted.

Bill rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Aw man, I almost forgotten; Will is terrified of old-timey stop-motion animation. It's been his seventh greatest fear, right below rotoscoping."

"Heh heh, Come on, those hogey old things? How scared could he be?" Stan questioned.

A few minutes later, they were inside the attic, where Will was crouched in the laundry basket, shaking like a leaf.

"The cyclops, his face is made of evil!" Will shuddered.

"Okay, maybe he's a little freaked out," Stan admitted.

"Will, come out, it's just a movie," Bill insisted.

"No talking! They wait for you to talk and then crawl inside your mouth!" Will said, fearfully, before burying himself in the laundry.

Bill turned towards Stan. "Dang it, Fez! You shouldn't have shown him that tape."

"There's gotta be a way for him to get over this silly fear," Stan remarked.

"We can just ask the person who made them."

Stan and Bill turned to Mabel, who was holding the tape in her hands, reading the back of it. "It says here, that the stop-motion animator for the movie, lives right here in Zero Gravity Town."

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