Northwest Mansion Mystery-Part Three

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The animal heads chanted in unison, as objects spun around the room like a tornado. All the group could do was stand and stare.

Pacifica clutched Mabel's forearm. "What do we do, what do we do?!"

"Don't worry! It can't get worse than this!" Dipper shouted over the chaos.

"Pine Tree! Don't jinx us!" Bill yelled back.

"Guys!" Will yelped, pointing to the fireplace. "The fire! It's acting weird!"

He was right, the flames were flaring up again, turning a rich blue. Quickly, the group split up, and each found themselves a grounded furniture to hide by. A moment later, a giant black skeleton emerged from the fire. Flesh and clothes covered the skeleton, forming the body of an enormous lumberjack with a beard made of fire and an ax in his head.

The ghost sniffed the air. "I smell... A NORTHWEST!" It roared, an ax materialised in his hand. The blade dragged across the floor as he floated around. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

The group peered at it from behind their hiding places. "Okay, I may have jinxed us," Dipper whispered, from under a table with Bill.

"You think?" Bill remarked.

"What do we do?" Will asked, while hiding behind sofa with Mason.

"We'll have to jump him all at once," Dipper declared.

"What?" Mason said, in disbelief.

"I see no problem with it," Bill said, then winked at Dipper. "When do we strike, Pine Tree?"

"At the count of three, we attack him with everything we got" Dipper replied. "One. Two. Three—"

Suddenly, their hiding places shot into the air and hovered over them, revealing them to the ghost. The spirit turned towards them, eyes pulsing.

"YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE!" He roared, swinging his ax at Pacifica.

Pacifica screamed, but luckily, Mabel pulled her out of harm's way. The brunette stood protectively in front of the Goddess, and summoned her bubbles in the air, before they rushed at the ghost in full speed. Unfortunately, the ghost merely sliced through the bubbles, bursting them. Dipper and Bill rushed at the ghost's sides. Dipper materialised his sword and threw the weapon at the spirit, while Bill struck him with a stream of fire. Both attacks were futile, as the sword phased through him and ended up embedded into the floor, and the fire did no damage.

"How do we kill this thing!?" Bill shouted.

"I don't think there's a way to kill something that's already dead!" Will noted.

The ghost released an ear-splitting wail, forcing them to cover their ears.

"We need to get out of here!" Pacifica yelled, nodding towards the exit.

They fled down a hallway, the ghost's eerie laughter followed them. The group down ran until they came across the entrance to a wide courtyard.

"Hurry! Through the garden!" Pacifica yelled. "And watch out for peacocks!"

Following her orders, the group made their way into the garden, their shoes got muddy from the garden path. As they ran, Bill was momentarily hit in the face by a flying peacock, it uttered a loud squawk as it fled from him.

"Ugh! Stupid rainbow chicken!" The blond snapped, wiping the feathers off his face.

Eventually, they stopped running, deciding to seek shelter underneath a tree. They each took a breath, as they fully comprehended their current situation.

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