Society of the Blind Eye-Part Three

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Meanwhile, Wendy, Mabel, and Will were sitting in the chamber, waiting for the others to return.

Mabel slouched in the chair with her legs stretched, bored out of her mind. "Arrgh, where are those three, did they find what they were looking for yet?"

"Do you think they're in trouble?" Will asked, in concern.

"They'll be fine," Wendy reassured him. "Those robed weirdos don't look like they can put up much of a fight."

"I'd rather fight dorks in bathrobes than sit around all day," Mabel stated. She sighed heavily, leaning back into the chair. Her eyes then shifted curiously to the memory gun that sat on one of the armchairs. "So, do you think this thing can erase any kind of memory?"

"I guess," Wendy replied.

Mabel's face slowly lit up, and she smiled down at the device. Will immediately noticed, and had a disproving look on his face.

"Mabel, don't you dare," Will chastised.

"C'mon, it would be so cool to just a erase a memory you hate," Mabel protested. "For example, all my memories of my failed romances."

"No way! We don't know the capabilities of that machine," The blue haired boy insisted. "It could accidentally erase something important, like breathing!"

"Blue is right, it could be dangerous," Wendy agreed.

"Even if it meant erasing a certain song stuck in your head?" Mabel noted.

Wendy blinked, then turned to Will. "Okay, maybe she has a point."

"Seriously, Wendy?" Will snapped.

"Oh please, you must be at least a little bit tempted?" The redhead shot back.

Will crossed his arms. "No."

"C'mon, there's gotta be something you rather forget. Like all the times I used you as bait, like the times you were almost killed, like the time the gnomes tried to marry you—"

"Okay, I changed my mind!" Will said, immediately.

"Good," Mabel smiled, picking up the memory gun. "Who wants to go first?"


Bill and Dipper hid behind a couple potted plants, panting heavily. Moments before, they had been running from a couple of members from the Blind Eye and managed to lose them.

"Okay, we made it," Dipper breathed.

"Well, most of us," Bill pointed out.

Dipper was at first confused by what he meant, but then he slowly realised there was a person missing. "Oh no, where is Fiddleford!?"

"We'll find him," Bill reassured him. "He might've found another hiding place."

Dipper didn't respond, giving him a long calculated look. Very quickly, Bill grew annoyed.

"Alright, Pine Tree, something is obviously on your mind," He said. "What is it?"

Dipper frowned. "Back in that room, you said that he was watching us. How did you know that?"

Bill hesitated. He wanted to lie, the truth would only worry Dipper. But, he knew lying wasn't a option here. "He took control of me...almost. I don't know, it felt like I was fully functional the next minute, and then out of nowhere, it's like he infiltrated my thoughts. And I thought the voices in my head were concerning, but I wasn't even aware that he had taken control until the very last second..."

The Guardian was silent for a long while, then eventually said in a heavy tone. "Bill, I don't want to worry you any further...but this could jeopardise everything. If he is spying on us, and without your awareness, there's no telling if he had done something like that before."

Bill didn't take that possibility into account, and now his chest tightened with dismay. Could he be spying on them right at this moment?

"Oh god..." Bill murmured under his breath. "What are we supposed to do about this?"

"Don't give up yet," Dipper told him. "We are so close to fixing this. Do you still have Fiddleford's memories?"

Bill blinked. He had been so caught up in his emotions, he had forgotten that he had torn the tube from the machine. He looked down, to see it grasped tightly in his hand.

"Those memories hold the answers," Dipper insisted, then said in a softer tone. "It'll be okay."

Bill tried to believe him, but a persistent thought nudged at the back of his head. Yes, the memories could easily hold the answers they were searching for, but they could also hold important information that his past self could take advantage of.

"Come," Dipper started. "We should find Fiddleford before the Blind Eye does."

Bill nodded in agreement, and as the Guardian stepped out from their hiding place, so did he. The duo made their way down the dimly lit halls, keeping their eyes opened for the Prophet. Bill was walking absentmindedly, staring down at his feet.

His mind began to wonder, and a moment later, he took a deep breath. He cleared his head of all thoughts, in the silent void he reached out to the darkest crevices of his mind, only one thought broke through the silence; Where are you?

The void didn't respond, and Bill tried again. 'Answer me,' He thought, bitterly. 'You've been hiding. Planning. Scheming. Spying on my every move. You think you're soooo smart, but you're not very good at sneaking. I know you're here, I will find you, and I will stop you'

Unsurprisingly, more silence. Bill expected that, he knew it wouldn't be that easy. That was what he thought, before a serpent-like voice whispered in his eardrum.

'I like to see you try'

Bill gasped to himself, suddenly regaining his consciousness. His chest rose and fell, as he breathed heavily. His ear felt cold from where the voice whispered, the cold snaked down his neck to his spine. Eventually, Bill managed to calm down, but then he realised something that made him panic once more.

Pine Tree was nowhere in sight.

Bill looked around frantically. Dipper couldn't have left him behind. Something wasn't right.

"It seems we have an intruder."

Bill whipped around, and was faced with a dilemma. Towering over him was the leader of the Blind Eye, several other members stood behind him.

The leader spoke in a mocking tone. "It is time you're reunited with your friend."

Bill growled under his breath, lit his hands ablaze. But before he could do anything, a heavy object struck him at the back of his head, and immediately, his vision began to darkened. Bill swayed, before falling to his knees, his eyes travelling up to look at the leader.

"Rest now," The leader said. "By the time you wake up, you won't remember a thing..."

Against his wishes, Bill's body collapsed, he drifted out of consciousness once again. As he did, soft maniacal laughter whistled in his ear, laughter that did not belong to any of the Blind Eye.

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