Red Candidate-Final

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A banner that read "Election Day!" was displayed in town for all to see. The people murmured excitedly as Wendy happily passed by wearing a crimson suit.

"Lookin' good, mayor candidate!" Blubs called to her.

Durland grinned. "Hooey! It's the gal I'm gonna vote for!"

Wendy smiled in their direction. "Thanks a lot!" She turned and stepped into the Greasy Diner, before turning to the its patrons. "Sup', guys."

"Wanda!" The people beamed.

"Pie on the house?" Susan asked, coming over with a plate of blueberry pie.

"Add a couple of pancakes, and we have a deal," Wendy replied, before taking a seat by the Cipher Twins, who were watching the scene in annoyance.

"You know, I could get used to this," she smiled.

Bill cleared his throat, gaining her attention. "Red, what's with the outfit? You're missing your lucky tie."

"Power tie, gotta wear it," Will agreed.

Wendy waved her hand dismissively. "Come on, have you seen the polls? I could debate naked and I'd still win! Huh, come to think of it..."

Will laughed nervously. "Seriously though, we need you to wear that suit and tie."

"Suit and tie, gotta wear it," Bill urged.

Wendy slumped in her seat. "Ugh! Why do you have to constantly tell me what to do? Can't you trust me?"

Bill narrowed his eyes. "We'd trust you more if you took things more seriously!"

"I am taking this seriously!" Wendy snapped. "If you haven't noticed, everything that I've done has gotten us on top! With or without your dumb advice!"

"Dumb advice?!" Bill shouted back.

"Bill..." Will said, in attempt to calm him.

Too late, the blond rose from his seat, towering over the huntress. "We did all the work, Red! Every one of those speeches we were controlling you!"

Will stood. "Bill!"

Wendy's eyes grew wide. "What?"

Bill dug in his pocket, and thrusted the tie in her face. "It was Tad's idea to use this tie to mind control you. If it wasn't for this tie, you'd be losing!" He peeled back the front layer of the tie to reveal the circuitry in it.

Wendy was in disbelief, then slowly shook with anger. "You teamed up with Tad to mind control me!? How could you?"

Will spoke. "Wendy, we didn't mean to—"

"Forget it!" she spat, standing up. "Tell that smarty-pants brother of yours that I don't need his help or his magical ties! I'm gonna win this debate on my own, without any of you!" She stomped towards the exit.

Will climbed out of the seat. "Wendy, wait! You can't—"

Wendy slammed the door shut behind her.

Will turned furiously to Bill. "Look what you did!"

Bill groaned, looking regretful. "I know, I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. We have to find another candidate, and fast!"

"But who?"

Bill thought for a moment, and was struck with an idea. "I think I know a guy."


Later, in front of the mountains, stood the stage where the final debate took place. People got ready, gathering as many seeds in their buckets, while the eagle chirped in the cage while a clock ticked by.

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