Blendin's Game-Final

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William never felt more afraid.

Yet, he still made his way outside the mansion, where Kill was waiting for him. The Red Demon shook off the broken glass, steadily raising to his feet to face the Blue Demon.

"I gotta admit, that took me by surprise," Kill snickered. "Nevertheless, that's the last time a weakling like you will get the best of me."

The Red Demon lunged at him with a fury, his claws slicing in all directions. William was quick enough to dodge them. He stood a far distance from his brother.

William took a deep breath, then faced Kill with a calm expression. "Do you remember that time by that bridge?"

Kill looked at him like he was crazy. "What?"

"When we were kids," William reminded. "It was when we first came to live with the Guardians, they had this huge bridge that covered a river of star matter. It was beautiful. But then, you pushed me in the river and I nearly drowned." He chuckled softly. "But I knew you only meant to do it as a joke, I know this because you jumped into the river yourself to save me and apologised frequently while sobbing uncontrollably. It was the first time I saw you cry, actually."

Kill flushed, and he yelled. "What does this have to do with anything!?"

"It's a reminder," William said. "It's a reminder of the person you used to be, the person who actually cared about me. What happened, Kill? What happened to you?"

The Demon glared daggers at him. "You wanna know what happened?" He growled. "The Guardians treated us like garbage, especially Ford, and Bill found a way to free us. And then Tad betrayed us...and so did you."

"You know," William started. "I agree, I should've been there for Bill, and I accept the blame for that. But, then I realised Bill willingly planned an ambush on a capital filled with powerful Guardians, it was a suicide mission—"

"The Nightmare Realm made them powerless!" Kill countered.

"Yet, they still defeated him," The Blue Demon argued. "And you and Jill allowed him to go through with that foolish plan. Say what you want about me, but you are just as much to blame for his death as I am."

Kill snapped, and pounced at William at full speed. The blue haired man sidestepped, the demon's claws grazed his side and tore clean cuts into his vest. William returned with a blow to Kill's head with the hilt of his blade. Kill hissed, taking William in a chokehold. The Blue Demon rebelled by tossing his entire weight backwards, causing Kill to slip up and fall. Once his arms released, William twisted his body and blindly stabbed his dagger down. William shut his eyes as Kill screamed, feeling guilt crawl in.

Kill pushed him away, and clambered to his feet. William's dagger was embedded in his forearm, before Kill gripped the hilt and tore it out. "You little bastard."

"Kill, listen to me," William insisted. "It doesn't have to be this way."

"Shut up!" Kill roared, pinning him to the ground. "I don't want to hear your peacemaker crap!"

"Why are you so bad at communicating!" William snapped, kicking him hard in the stomach. "This is why you can never have a stable relationship!"

Kill was flung back. His hands glowed a deep red, before balls of energies was formed. "Oh, now that you have a sugar daddy, you're suddenly the love expert?"

"At least, I can keep a man for longer than a week!" The Blue Demon remarked, balls of blue fire materialised in his hands.

There were flashes of blue and red, as the two demons circled each other while firing from either side. William hissed under his breath, as a energy beam seared his leg. He countered with a fiery projectile, but Kill was too fast for him to get a proper aim. William decided to switch to defensive modes. As Kill charged at him, William mustered his remaining strength to make a shield dome to protect himself. Kill angrily hit the dome with his fists.

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