Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons-Part Three

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"Everyone grab a weapon," Stan said, pulling out a bat from in the couch cushion.

"How long was that bat there?" Bill asked.

"No time for questions!"

"We're coming for you, Will! And Great-uncle Ford!" Mabel exclaimed, then quickly added. "And possibly that hot elf, if he's got anything to do with this."

"Then let's be off," Stan said, pointing to the giant hole in wall.

Bill eyed the wall. "Okay, but just making sure; after we save them, we are going to fix that hole, right?"


"What do you mean may—"

"C'mon, guys! Charge!" Mabel shouted, before running through the hole while screaming at the top of her lungs.

It didn't take long before Bill and Stan followed her lead, and the three were heading towards the forest.


Meanwhile, deep in the center of the woods, Will and Ford were tied to a tree.

Will struggled to no avail, then turned to Ford. "Can't you magic us out of here?"

"No. Probabilitor made these ropes with his own magic," Ford replied. "And he was manifested by one of the most powerful devices in the galaxy, anything he conjures up with his magic will be just as strong. I guess, we have your brother to thank for this predicament."

"Hey, he didn't know that dice magic," Will argued. "Let's focus and—"

"Heheheh..." came a devious chuckle, and Probabilitor stood before them. "Look here, my dinner is talking."

"Oh dear," Will sighed.

The wizard suddenly took an object out of his robes; a tape measurer. He proceeded to measure their heads. "With each brain I eat, I shall increase my enchantelligence."

Ford growled under his breath. "If my hands were free, I'd turn your face into a jigsaw puzzle!"

Probabilitor laughed loudly. "The time has come! Hot elf! Ready the brain-cooking pot!"

The pale haired elf sighed. "Yes, Probabilitor," he replied, shaking his hair luxuriously, before shooting a flaming arrow at a nearby pot.

The wood underneath the pot lit ablaze with fire, and Will gulped loudly. He turned to Probabilitor. "Come on, man, you don't want to eat us. We're actually really, really dumb, I promise."

"Hmm, you sure?" Probabilitor asked, with a skeptic look.

"Yes!" Will insisted. "I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until I was thirteen! I had to wear to Velcro straps."

"Eh, that's more sad than dumb," the wizard said. "But, if you insist, I'll give you a test."

"Okay, I'll answer anything—"

"Not you," Probabilitor snapped, then turned towards Ford. "Him."

Ford blinked. "Me?"

"You seem like the smart type," he said, with a chuckle. "But let's see if there's a peanut sized brain inside that large dome of yours. Here's my question; what is 2+2?"

Oh thank goodness, Will thought. There's no way Ford can mess this up—

"Four," Ford answered, blankly.

"Ford! Why!?" Will cried out.

"Sorry kid, my pride was at stake," Ford responded.

"Our brains are at stake!"

"Enough of your yapping!" Probabilitor snapped. "Elf! Prepare the spices!"

"Okay, but I'm going easy on the paprika this time."

The wizard frowned. "What? But I love paprika!"

"I know you do, but to be honest, you kinda have a problem," the elf noted.

Probabilitor pouted and grumbled under his breath.


Bill, Mabel, and Stan were walking through the forest. Stan was in front and was scanning his surroundings, while Mabel and Bill fell behind.

"I know I shouldn't have thrown Sixer's stupid purse," Bill complained, as he walked. "But I was frustrated! Will doesn't even know him, yet they became such best friends? How does that happen?"

"I mean, maybe they have some things in common," Mabel pointed out.

"Like what? Will is not a monster," Bill shot back. Mabel frowned, and he realised what he said. "I'm sorry, Shooting Star...I just don't want Will to get hurt."

"I understand, Bill," Mabel said, gently. "I love Ford like I do with all of my family, but I know how much he dislikes Demons—even more than Dipper ever did. But, I don't believe he would hurt Will, and deep down, I know you feel the same."

Bill furrowed his brow, refusing to respond. Nearby, Stan called out to them.

"We must be getting close. These fairy bites are getting more frequent," Stan said, before abruptly slapping the back his neck. "Goddamn! I should've packed pesticide."


Something entered their path; a giant ogre, with a wooden club. "Yon interlopers are trespassing on the ancient forest of Probabilitor the wizard! If ye wish to pass, first, ye must complete seven unworldly quest, each, more difficult than the—"

Suddenly, something came flying out of the trees and hitting the ogre square in the head. To their surprise, it was an axe, and the weapon's hilt ended up striking the beast unconscious, before it collapsed to the forest floor. Moments later, before Wendy and Mason stepped out.

"Sup'," Wendy smiled.

"Wendy! Mason!" Mabel smiled.

"You seem to be having fun," Mason said. He was holding something; a weirdly shaped object wrapped in a sack, and it was dripping.

Bill looked at it. "Uh, what's that?"

Wendy tensed, gaze darting from the sack to him. "Oh! This just some...uh...ANYWAY!" She grabbed the sack from Mason and threw it behind her. "What's happening with you three?"

"Will and Ford were kidnapped!" Mabel told her.

Mason's eyes widened. "What? By who?"

"By some math wizard and his weird entourage," Bill explained. "They took them somewhere in the forest."

"I want to go with you," Mason insisted, with determination.

"Me too," Wendy said. "I know this forest like the back of my hand. Let's go!"

So, they continued down the path, with Wendy now in the lead. Bill settled beside Stan and whispered. "So that was definitely a head in that sack, right?"

"Absolutely," Stan said.

"Should we be concerned?"

"Nah, there's no cops in the forest." He leaned to whisper to Bill. "We take this to our graves."

They both nodded to each other.

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