Soos and the Real Girl-Part Four

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"Mr Pines, are you sure about this?" Will asked, gingerly.

"Kid, I've never been more sure about anything in my life," Stan claimed, fitting on a ski mask. "Except for the time I tried samba dancing for the first time, I broke my hip bone and had to surgically replace it with a metal plate, but it was worth it to show my moves on the dance floor."

"What if we get caught?"

"That ain't gonna happen," Stan reassured. "I'm an expert in this kind of thing, I know the ins and outs. Just stick by me, and follow my instructions. You got that?"

Will hesitated, but nodded.

"Good, because we don't want to mess this up. Who knows what kind of things they'll do to an innocent face like yours in prison."

Will gasped softly. "You mean like noogies?"

"Uh, sure...that too," Stan replied, awkwardly. He moved on, and took a rolled up blueprint from the duffel bag he was carrying, and spread it out on a coffee table. "Okay, this is the blueprint of that pizza place—"

"Where did you get this?" Will asked.

"You'd be surprised by what you get out of online shopping. Anyway, here's where the main stage is," Stan said, pointing to one section of the blueprint. "Here's my plan; They won't bring Wall-E on stage until later at night, he'll be waiting backstage, that's where I sneak in from behind and grab it."

"What do I do?"

"You'll be the one snatching the key from one of the staff. Unlock the backdoor, so I can get to the badger."

"Okay," Will said, nodding.

"We got this, little boy blue," Stan grinned. "Time to prove to the world, that Stanley Pines is still in his game!"

The Guardian grabbed his duffel bag, and attempted to crawl out an open window, only to fall and land with a heavy thud. "Ow! My metal plate just dislodged!"

"You want me to get your pain numbing medicine?" Will asked.

"Yes! But it's only chewable, so roll it up in a cheese slice, I hate how it tastes!"


It didn't take long, for Soos, Bill, and Dipper to arrive at the mall. They practically burst in, with Soos in the lead. Unsurprisingly, with the mayor in public, not to mention Dipper was there without his human disguise, they were swarmed by people in seconds, as they attempted to take pictures of them or ask questions.

"Sorry dudes, but I have no time to socialise!" Soos told the crowd, but was ignored.

Bill let out a frustrated huff. "Dang it, we don't have time for this! Pine Tree, get us out of here!"

Dipper complied, and placed each hand on the two, and proceeded to teleport them away from the scene. When they reappeared again, the three now resided behind a bunch of plotted plants. With a flick of his wrist, Dipper was quickly adorned in his disguise. In addition, he also gave Soos a disguise, which was a trench coat and a giant fake moustache.

Bill gave Dipper a look. "Seriously? Again with the moustache?"

Dipper shrugged. "I couldn't think of anything else."

"Well, I think it's gorgeous," Soos commented, stroking the moustache.

Bill rolled his eyes, and asked the mayor. "Where's this Hoo-Ha Owl's Pizza-whatever it's called?"

Soos scanned the area for a while, before his eyes widened, and he pointed to a brightly coloured restaurant, with a cardboard cutout of a smiling owl mascot. "There it is!"

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