The Tale of a Demon-Final

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"No..." Ford breathed, staring at his brother. " could you!? You traitor!"

"I had no choice, Ford!" Stan yelled back.

"What is happening?" Mabel said, looking utterly confused. "Stan, you opened the barrier?"

"You're the reason our home was destroyed?" Dipper whispered, looking at his uncle with betrayal in his eyes.

Stan bowed his head, averting his gaze from his family members. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I had a reason."

"What reason could possibly justify the chaos and death that you caused?" Ford spat, his voice burning with fiery.

"Ford," Tad said, gently. "He did it to protect him." He pointed to Bill.

Everyone turned to face the blond, and Bill blinked in surprise. "What?"

Stan raised his head to meet his gaze, his eyes clouded over by a deep sadness. "It's true. I don't regret letting the Demons into our home, because in the end, it brought me a friend."

Around them, the surroundings shifted again, and it showed another scene. This time, it was Stan and Bill's past life playing a game that vaguely resembled checkers, enjoying each other's company. Stan smiled fondly at the memory, before it fell into a frown.

"I never hated you, Bill," Stan told the blond. "You were like family to me, and you still are now. What your past life did was all because of my impulsiveness."

"Fez, why did you do it?" Bill asked.

"Perhaps, it's best he shows you," Tad chimed in, glancing at Stan. "If you allow it."

Stan hesitated, then nodded. With a wave of his hand, Tad shifted the scene once more. They were now in a large study, Ford and a younger looking Fiddleford were seen speaking quietly to each other, each wearing serious expressions. In the vision, Stan walked in smiling ear to ear.

"Ah, there you are," he said, cheerfully. "I was looking for you old geezers. Dipper and Mabel suggested we go swimming, and I need you to help me embarrass them by wearing outdated bathing suits."

Ford turned to him. "Stan, we need to talk."

"Is this gonna take long?" Stan groaned. "Because I left Bill to watch over my snacks, and it's only a matter of time before he adds cockroaches to my trail mix again."

"This is about Bill, actually," Ford said.

Stan's brow arched. "Okay, what is it? If this is about the cockroaches, they're actually not half bad, just a bit fatty—"

"This is not about the cockroaches," Ford sighed, then turned to Fiddleford. "Tell him what you told me."

Fiddleford looked nervous, but still turned to Stan and said. "I had a vision last night. It showed showed me Bill destroying our home."

Stan's eyes widened, then confusion shrouded his face. "What are you talking about? McGucket, are you sure it wasn't just a fever dream? You do go overboard with the coffee sometimes."

"Stan, this is serious," Ford snapped. "If this vision is true—"

"It's not," Stan insisted, in a serious tone. "Bill is our friend, Ford."

Ford's eyes darkened. "Demons are not our friends."

"Not even Tad?"

There was a pause, then a soft murmur. "Not even Tad."

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