The Love God-Part Three

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A/N; sorry again, for the super late update. I've been busy with Mother's Day yesterday, not to mention, the power outages in my country seem to be getting worse, the last one almost lasted to eight hours.

Later, the three all met in the attic, where Mabel was already conducting her plan. On the floor, was a replica of the whole town, along with miniature versions of the citizens.

"This feels illegal," Mason pointed out, eyeing at the mini models.

Will sighed. "Trust me, when you hung out with Mabel as long as I have, you'll get used to it."

"Quiet, you two," Mabel told them, her eyes focused on the miniatures. "I'm trying to think. Let's see here; Lazy Susan? Too old. Grenda? She would crush him like a twig. Multi-Bear? I'll put him in the maybe pile..."

"Do I need to question why that bear figurine has twelve heads?" Mason whispered to Will.

"It'll be easier for me if you didn't," Will admitted.

Meanwhile, Mabel groaned loudly, her fingers rubbing her temples in frustration. "Why is this so hard!? I'm usually so good at this."

"Don't worry, Mabel," Will reassured her. "Love takes time."

"But I don't have time!" Mabel insisted. "I promised Robbie a date tonight, but how am I supposed to figure out who?"

"Well, you can start by not being a total wacko about it."

The three turned to door, where Bill was leaning against the frame while regarding the little setup on the floor. "Seriously, Shooting Star, did you have these things in storage just in case?"

"As the matter of fact; yes," She remarked. "I am very passionate about my matchmaking capabilities."

"Whatever you're doing, it's still less illegal than what Stan is making me do," Bill replied. "Which reminds me why I came up here, I'm just gonna get some tape and then I'll be out of...whatever this is." He walked to his backpack that was beside his bed, pulled out a tape and then made his way out of the attic.

Mabel watched him and abruptly had an idea. "Wait here, I'll be right back," She told Will and Mason, then followed Bill out.

She stopped him halfway down the stairs. "Bill, wait!"

Bill turned to her in confusion. "What is it, Shooting Star?"

"I need you help," She admitted. "No matter how hard I try, I can't figure out how to find Robbie's perfect match."

"And how am I supposed to help with that?"

"I dunno, you hung out with Wendy's group a lot over the summer," Mabel reminded. "Plus, you're observant, you must know something about Robbie's type."

"Look, I would love to help," Bill remarked, sarcastically. "But Robbie and I are not exactly friends—"

"But didn't he help you with Dipper?" Mabel reminded. "Think about it; he sacrificed his relationship with Wendy just so you two could be happy. I know Robbie isn't exactly the best to get along with, but he still cares, and the least you can do is repay him."

Bill took her words in, his brow crinkling with thought. Soon after, he groaned loudly. "Fine! I'll help," he agreed, reluctantly.

"Yay!" Mabel beamed. "So, you have an idea on who to set Robbie up with?"

"The answer is pretty obvious, Shooting Star," He noted. "Who else do we know that is as socially inept and gothic as Cupid?"

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