The Last Mabelcorn-Final

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"You!" Ford shouted, back pressed against the desk.

Golden eyes shimmered in the dark room, owned by none other than the monster that tore his home apart. The Demon smiled mischievously, revealing glimmering fangs.

"Don't fret, old man. I'm not gonna do anything...for now."

Ford shook his head, sweating profusely. "This...this isn't possible!"

The Demon laughed. "But it is!"

"How?" Ford growled, but his fear didn't reside.

"You like to pretend you're sooooo smart! But you shouldn't interfere with things you don't understand. For example; a Demon's mind."

Ford blinked, darting a look at the computer, which had went blank, then back to the Demon.  "The machine did this? The machine brought you back—"

"Oh, I'm not back...not yet," he sneered, an edge in his voice. "This little brat is persistent, but I'll make sure he'll crack. I'll make sure of it."

Ford was in full panic mode, and before he could think twice, he grabbed the memory gun and pointed it at the Demon's forehead.

"Don't move!"

The Demon looked at the gun like it was a mere toy, then gave Ford a dismissive look. "What the hell is this, Sixer?"

"A memory gun," Ford said, typing on the gun's control panel. "I'm going to do what I should've done a long time ago, I'm going to erase you entirely."

A demonic laughter filled the room, and the Demon gave Ford a mocking smile. "You'll erase my reincarnation's memories along with me! And you and I both now Pine Tree won't be pleased with that."

Ford's brow furrowed. "Then let him hate me. I won't let my family get hurt by the likes of you!"

The Demon—No, Bill Cipher finally stopped smiling, his face cold and expressionless...just like his parents.

"Try it, old man."


Meanwhile, in a tavern built inside a giant tree, a bunch of gnomes were drinking and chatting amongst each other.

"Get me a flaggon of your daintiest honeysuckle, please," a gnome said to a bartender.

"I'm gonna need to see some ID," the bartender replied.

Suddenly the doors were kicked down, and Will, Stan, and Mason barged in. The gnomes gasped in shock.

A gnome sprung from his chair. "It's the cops! Hit the deck!" Then proceeded to throw himself out a window.

"I'm lookin' for someone who knows how to take down a unicorn!" Stan demanded. "No tricks or games!"

"Unicorn, you say?"

The three turned to gnome seated in the dark corner of the tavern. They slowly make their way towards him.

The shady gnome looked up at them. "The only way to take one down is with fairy dust. A whole magic bag's enough to put a unicorn out cold. But if I do you a favor, you gotta do somethin' for me."

Stan slammed a fist against the wall. "Just, spill it, half-pint!"

"Here's the gist; butterfly trafficking is illegal in this part of the forest, but I like butterflies. They tickle my face and make me laugh. Bring me a bag of butterflies and we got a deal."

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