Soos and the Real Girl-Part Five

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Moments, the door to the backstage was opened, and Bill, Dipper, Will entered. Unsurprisingly, it was dark, with a huge curtain blocking their view of the rest of the restaurant.

While Dipper and Bill looked around, Will immediately made his way towards the door in the back, that led outside. He used the key he stole, and fitted it in. It opened, and a figure stepped inside.

"Great work, Will," Stan grinned, wearing a ski mask over his head. "Now, let's—"

He stopped midway, upon seeing both Bill and Dipper in front of him. Instantly, Stan removed the ski mask, and his hid it behind his back.

He leaned in towards Will and whispered. "Act natural," Then he turned to Bill and Dipper, and practically yelled in a robotic voice. "Wow! It's surprising to see you two here. William and I were just about to purchase a pizza, and we conveniently parked in the back of the restaurant and had access to the backstage. What are the odds, heh?"

"They know we're here to steal an animatronic," Will told him.

"Why didn't you just say that," Stan snapped, then turned to Dipper. "In case you're mad, you should know that I do have a warrant...I just unfortunately left it at a paper shredder."

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Relax, I'm too busy right now to scold you."

"Well, that's a relief," Stan said. "Anyway, have you seen a radical looking metallic badger around these parks? It's supposed to help me be hip with the kids."

"Never repeat that sentence ever again," Bill said, seriously.

"No, Grunkle Stan, we didn't see the badger," Dipper replied. "We're searching for something ourselves; pink electric currents, connected to a sentient pixelated anime girl."

Stan blinked. "Okay, I feel like I'm a little out of the loop here."

"We don't have time to explain," Dipper said, then turned to Bill. "As far as we know, she could be anywhere, check this place for anything electronic."

"Pine Tree, how am I supposed to do that, it's almost pitch black back here," Bill remarked.

"Aren't you the one who can light their hands on fire?"

"Oh right, almost forgot about that," Bill said, then proceeded to set his hand ablaze. When he did, he noticed something. "Where's Will?"

The blue haired boy was nowhere in sight, and the three stood in surprise.

"Dang it, did he ditch me in the middle of the crime scene, so I would take all the blame?" Stan said, appalled. Then he sighed. "That's exactly what I would do, I taught him well."

"No, wait," Dipper interjected, then pointed to the floor. "Look here."

Stan and Bill followed his gaze, and saw a small puddle of black oil. They gawked at it with perplexed expressions, and dread filled the air.

Stan frowned. "What the—"




Heavy footsteps thundered behind them, mixed with the metallic grinding of gears and bolts. The sound grew louder and louder, until it stopped abruptly behind them. Bill was the first one to turn around, and faced a pair of glowing red eyes.

"Hey, Fez, I found your robot," Bill said.

Stan sighed. "Well, that's unfortunate."


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