Little Gift Shop of Horrors-Part One

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(A/N; this one's mostly in Reader POV, just for fun)
It was the middle of the night, and you made your way towards a lonely shack in the woods.

You knock on the front door, and not even a minute later, it opened to reveal an elderly looking man wearing a fez.

"Welcome traveler," He smiled, widely. "I see your car broke on this lonesome country road. A place so remote, that no one can hear your screams!"

You immediately backed away.

"Wait!" He said, quickly. "Pretend I didn't say that. Come in, come in, but be warned; if you enter, you may be subjected to my tales...TALES DESIGNED TO SELL MY MERCHANDISE!"

A lightening struck a distance away, as the old man laughed maniacally. However, a moment later, he was thrown into a coughing fit, before clearing his throat. "Sorry about that, I just remembered something funny."

Weird guy.

Despite this, you followed him inside, eager to steer away from the coldness of the night. The old man began showing you around his gift shop, filled with an array of trinkets, most of which looked glued together.

"You've come to the Mystery Shack after hours. A time when the most cursed objects are for sale! Like that thing!" He gestures to lump of random body parts that are groaning. What the actual f—. "Nope? Not a fan? Too many orifices? Alright, I can tell what you're looking for..."

He reached behind his back, and whipped out a plastic hand with a price tag sticking out. "A disembodied hand! Why is it so expensive? Well, that's quite a tale. And it's called HANDS OFF...No seriously, hands off." He took a glowing reptilian eye from your hands. "That's not for sale. Alright, HAND OFF."


Flashback to the time Bill and Will were walking through a market called Swamp Meet, following Stan Pines.

"Ugh, why did you drag us here, Fez?" Bill sighed, heavily. "This is like a giant garage sell, but sadder and with more useless items."

"Exactly," Stan smiled. "Ever heard the term 'one man's garbage is another man's treasure', for example." He pointed to an neon coloured vase on a nearby stand. "This is just your average ugly vase, but I were to resell it, and I don't know...claim it be the urn that used to hold Elvis's ashes, then I might get someone gullible enough to pay twice as much for it. And how about that disturbing dog taxidermy? I could slap a fake horn on it, and say it's a rare breed of unicorn that gone extinct. Don't you see, Blondie, this is the feeding ground for capitalism! And it is glorious."

"Stan has a point, minus the part about capitalism," Will told his brother. "Maybe, we'll find something we'll like here. Like this." He took a pair of glasses from a nearby rack, and put them on. "These glasses make me look smart."

He took a couple of steps forward confidently, only to walk straight into another stand, and fall over. "Ow..."

"I take back my earlier statement, I like it here now," Bill declared, stepping over his brother's body, to look at some of the items.

He then stopped in front of a table, covered with gold watches. "Wow, these actually look decent," He pointed out.

"Oh, they're fake as can be," Stan noted, then proceeded to rub his hands together. "But they would look good on me."

He looked to the shopkeeper of the watches, who was an elderly woman with garish skin and a hunched back. Stan turned back to Bill.

"Listen here, kiddo. Prepare to watch the delicate art of the deal," Stan said, then turned to the shopkeeper. "Hey Hagface! How much for the watches?"

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