Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons-Final

328 19 43

Finally got this done!

Probabilitor was busy preparing the pot. "Heheheheh."

Meanwhile, Will and Ford were still trapped, trying to figure out an escape route.

"What do we do? What do we do?" Will panicked.

Ford hushed him. "Stop thinking, Will! The more wrinkly your brain gets, the more he'll want to eat it!"

Probabilitor suddenly made his way towards them. "And now, a little math problem: when I subtract your brains from your skulls—" He tapped Ford and Will's heads with his stirring spoon "—add salt, and divide your family, what's the remainder?"


Probabilitor spun around in confusion. "What? My butt isn't part of this particular equation."

From a nearby bush, Bill, Mabel, and Stan burst out, along with Wendy and Mason.

"Will!" Mason exclaimed.

"Mason!" Will beamed.

"Mabel!" Mabel yelled, charging furiously at the wizard.

Probabilitor knocked her aside with a blast of light. "Drat! How did you make it past my one guard? And the hot elf!?"

"You mean this guy?" Mason asked, holding the elf by the neck.

"This is...sooo not in my job description," the elf sighed, before Mason dropped him on the floor with a thud.

"Very well. There's only one way your family can save you. YOU must defeat ME in Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons: REAL LIFE EDITION!"

He whipped out his hands, and created a gameboard, before laying it on the ground before them. "Hahaha-hahaha!"

"What? Oh, come on!" Bill complained.

"I choose my characters..." the wizard smirked. He snapped his fingers, and two ogres appeared in the game. "Vs..."

He snapped his fingers once more, magically transporting Will and Ford onto the gameboard dressed as elves. "You!"

Ford frantically felt his ears. "Ah! My ears! They're so pointy!"

"There better be something protective under this tunic," Will said, turning around to open his tunic. "Oh, no, there isn't!"

Stan groaned. "Seriously, can't we just, like, arm wrestle or something?"

"Come on, this game is a lot of fun," Probabilitor insisted, then took out a paper bag. "I had my mom pack me a lunch." He took some apple slices out of a paper bag and pulled a face. "Ew, apple slices? I'll eat you last."

"Uh, just make with the rules, ugly," Bill grumbled, taking out a piece of gum from his pocket and chewing it.

"Are you seriously chewing gum right now?" Will snapped at his brother.

"It helps relieve stress!"

Probabilitor cleared his throat and started to explain. "The game is a battle royale. We help our characters by casting spells determined by rolls of the dice. If you win, I go back to my own dimension."

Mabel  clapped.

"But if I win, I eat their brains."

Mabel booed.

Mason looked down at Will nervously. "Hey, I'm not sure this is such a good—"

"DEAL!" Bill exclaimed.

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