Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons-Part Two

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As Will ventured down the steps to the basement, he only now began to question his older brother's logic.

This is crazy, Will thought, but continued his venture.

He entered the basement, and Ford was nowhere to be seen. He looked around a bit. "Hello? Mr Ford? I was wondering if—"

Something whizzed past him, and Will looked down to see a tentacled creature. It looked up at him, and he screamed in return. Then, he heard someone yell behind him.

"By the gods, how did it escape again!?"

Ford suddenly rushed in, and tried to grab the creature, but it scurried off and squeezed into a crack in the wall. "Dammit!"

Will watched in silence, before Ford turned to him, a furious look in his eyes. "The Blue Demon?"

Will waved sheepishly. "Hi, you can just call me Will—"

"What are you doing here?" Ford snapped, moving towards him. "My work is far too dangerous for a single living soul to spend even one second i- wait!" He paused, looking down at the box in Will's hands. "Is that Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons?"

Will blinked. "Yeah! Y-you know that game?"

Ford suddenly put an arm over his chest. "With pen and paper, shield and sword..."

Will mimicked him. "Our quest shall be our sweet reward!"

Both paused, before laughing. "This is my favorite game in the whole multiverse!" Ford smiled. "While I was studying here in the mortal realm, I used to play it with Tad...though it was a bit complicated, since he never knew how to play, and his character kept trying to romance my character for some reason."

"Well..." Will started. "I happened to know how to play. We can start our very own campaign."

At first, Ford looked ecstatic by the idea, but that was immediately torn down with a frown. "No, absolutely not! I have much more important things to deal with than play a game with one of his kin."

"Aren't you and Tad, like, best friends?"

Ford looked flustered. "We're acquaintances! And he never bothers me while I'm working...mostly."

Will gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Come on, please? Just one game, and I'll be out of your way."

For a moment, Ford looked like he might disagree. But, eventually, he gave in. "Fine, one game. And you better make it quick."

"Yes!" Will exclaimed.

There was a screech, and the creature suddenly returned and shot onto the side of Ford's face. The Guardian regarded it nonchalantly.

"Ah, there it is." He pulled it off, revealing his face covered in welts. "That's... going to leave a mark."


Later, Mabel and Bill were in the kitchen.

"Okay," Mabel started. "We've got everything we need to watch the season finale of Duck-tective tomorrow." She held up a box full of food with a ramp. "I even made mouth-ramps so we can pour food into our mouths without taking our eyes off the screen." She poured some food into her mouth. "Nom nom nom."

Bill was busy stapling a turkey head to a beaver's body. "And I recreated the main character out of some spare taxidermy parts." He held up the taxidermy and started imitating Ducktective. "Quack quack! I'm the duck detective! Who stole my breadloaf?"

Mabel laughed loudly. "That is so messed up! Will would LOVE that!"

Bill put down the taxidermy. "Heh. Yeah. Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him all afternoon."

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