Blendin's Game-Part One

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In the year 207̃012.

In the dark alleyways, of a cybernetic city, Blendin Blandin sprinted while wearing a cloak. Behind him, he was chased by the time police, with Lolph and Dundgren leading the charge.

"Halt!" Lolph yelled.

Dundgren panted as he ran. "I've got to hand it to this perp, no one's broken out of the Infinitentiary before."

"He's either the bravest time convict I've ever seen, or the dumbest," Lolph remarked.

Just then, Blendin Blandin turned abruptly and ran into a wall, before finally stumbling into barrels and falling over. "Oh! My time-knee! Oh, time-dang it!"

"Definitely the dumbest," Dundgren confirmed.

They cornered Blendin, before he could recover. "Freeze! You're surrounded by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron. Anything you say can and already has been used against you in future court," Lolph said.

"This is it, Blendin. End of the timeline. Any last words?" Dundgren sneered.

Blendin sweated heavily. "Uh-uh-uh-uh-I-I-I-I..." He stuttered, before yelling. "I INVOKE GLOBNAR!"

The rest of the police force gasped and murmured, and Dundgren regarded him seriously.

"Very well, speak the name and century of those challenged."

"The two kids that ruined my life: Bill and Will Cipher. 21st century.

Dundgren's tablet searches and found a clip of Will and Bill in their room. The clip is shown on every screen in the city, with the words "GLOBNAR TRIBUTES" over it.

"So be it," Lolph said, glaring up at the screen. "May Time Baby have mercy on their souls."


Back in the present, Will and Bill were in their bedroom, in their own silence. Will was sitting on his bed petting Gompers, while Bill laid in his, staring up at the ceiling.

Will sneaked a few glances at him. Ever since the incident with the Society of the Blind Eye, things were pretty tense. Bill had revealed that not only was his past self still active, but had supposedly spied on them. Will didn't lie, when he said he trusted Bill completely, but still...that kind of thing would make anyone a little on edge.

These past few days, both Wendy and Mabel hadn't been acting like their chatty selves around Bill. When they had told Stan the truth, he only stared in shock, and then shortly left without a word. Will would like to say that his relationship with his brother remained unchanged, but even then, there was an underlying unease whenever Will looked at him. Only Dipper seemed to be comfortable around Bill, maybe because he knew the secret much longer.

"Are you gonna stop staring at me anytime soon?" Bill asked, turning to face his brother,

Will tensed, then bowed his head. "I'm sorry, you must be tired of that."

"It's fine," The blond reassured, sitting up. "I understand why everyone's so nervous around me, I don't take it personally."

"Everyone just needs time to process this," Will replied. "You'll see, everything will go back to normal in no time."

Bill chuckled softly. "And by normal, you mean a tad less weirder than usual?"

Will smiled in return. "Yeah."

After that exchange, the room was silent again. It was beginning to take a toll on Will. They've never been this quiet. Will decided to jump into a new subject;

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