1071 - 1080

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1071. People who are very close can read each other's minds.

1072. People who constantly watch TV crime shows overestimate the prevalence of crime in the real world.

1073. People with low self-esteem tend to "try" and put others down.

1074. Seeing others positively reveals our positive traits, seeing others negatively reveals our negative traits.

1075. Psychology says that you get depressed because you know you are not what you should be.

1076. Opposites do not attract. You are more likely to be attracted to someone who looks and thinks the same as you.

1077. Memories become distorted over time. The average human has at least one false piece of memory.

1078. About 80% of human conversation in groups complains.

1079. "Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it." -Albert Schweitzer

1080. "Genuine feelings cannot be produced, nor can they be eradicated... the body sticks to the facts."

-Alice Miller

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