1811 - 1820

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1811. Astoundingly, this is about the same amount needed to store the entire internet!

1812. The human brain is capable of 1,016 processes per second, which makes it far more powerful than any existing computer.

1813. Researchers involved in the AI Impacts project have developed a way to compare supercomputers to brains — by measuring how fast a computer can move information around within its own system.

1814. By this standard, the human brain is 30 times more powerful than the IBM Sequoia, one of the world’s fastest supercomputers.

1815. Japan’s K computer is one of the most powerful computers in the world.

1876. When programmed to simulate human brain activity, it took 40 minutes to crunch the data equivalent to just one second of brain activity.

1817. Evidence Our Brains “Could Be Better”

1818. You’ve seen plenty of evidence so far that our brains are truly amazing!

1819. But the brain can also work in ways that are illogical, fallible, and counterproductive.

1820. There are almost 200 known cognitive biases and distortions that cause us to think and act irrationally.

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