1761 - 1770

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1761. If you have had a “crush” for more than 4 months, it can be considered love.

1762. People with low self-esteem are more likely to humiliate others.

1763. Wearing red makes you attractive to the opposite sex.

1764. We are happiest when we are busy doing something.

1765. Attractive appearances can sometimes deceive. However, people prefer to rely more on appearance than on sincerity.

1766. You can only fully concentrate on something for 10 minutes.

1767. Humans are by default irrational.

1768. Studies have shown that good relationships are more important for lifespan than physical exercise.

1769. Holding hands with someone you love can help reduce physical pain, reduce stress or fear.

1770. Falling in love has similar effects to being high on cocaine.

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