1491 - 1500

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1491. Sound And Smell Play A Bigger Role Than You Think

1492. Even though both attractive and unattractive people exhibit positive behaviours and traits, studies show that attractive people exhibit more positive behaviours and traits than unattractive individuals.

1493. According to studies, neonatal nurses tend to devote more time and attention to more attractive, healthy infants and less attention to less attractive babies.

1494. According to one study, a woman’s face is most beautiful and alluring once a month, exactly when she is at the peak of her fertility.

1495. Studies show that we are more attracted to people who look similar to us.

1496. Hearing emotional lines like “I love you” have a stronger impact when whispered in the left ear versus the right.

1497. In virtually every culture, men find younger women more attractive than older ones, most likely because human females are able to reproduce for only a limited time.

1498. The word ‘plastic’ in plastic surgery is derived from the Greek word ‘plastikos’. Plastikos means molding or giving form. Hence, the belief that that plastic surgery is an artificial one is just a misconception.

1499. According to researchers, women who have been shown ideal and perfect body images usually lower there satisfaction with their own attractiveness.

1500. Women are more attracted to men who have ideal hunting physique, narrow waists, strong shoulders and broad chests.

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