Chapter 54: Behold The Power Of a Dragon God! Till We Meet Again.

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"I'm gonna enjoy killing you slowly." Arashi grinned ear to ear while giggling.

"Is it just me or is there something off about him?" Lily pointed out

"Yeah... I've never seen him like this." Happy was getting a bit nervous at the sight of his friend.

"You fool... You made a grave mistake in landing a touch on me... Now you're effected with the same curse as your friends over there." Kyoka began to laugh.

Arashi then noticed lightning surrounding his body, he guessed it was from the curse he was hearing about. But ignoring it, he drew his sword and aimed it at her.

He saw Kyoka ready to slash at him, but in a blink of an eye, he sliced her arm clean off before she could. Her screams began to fill the sky and few drop of blood flew onto his cheek still grinning ear to ear.

"How can this be... You shouldn't be able to move, your nerves should be extremely sensitive to even lift a finger." Kyoka couldn't understand at her current situation.

Arashi then began to let out a laughter as he was ready to strike again.

This time Kyoka summoned a lightning like curse and quickly struck him where he stood, giving her a chance to gain distance between them.

"Maybe I should just do to you what I was going to do to Erza. But you mustn't worry she'll still get the same treatment. I should probably start taking your sense of sight..."

Arashi vision began to get blurry, but this didn't frighten him in the slightest.

"You're sense of touch..."

He now felt nothing.

"Your taste, smell, and finally..."

Arashi then heard Erza's scream again.

"...This will be the last thing you'll ever hear, drown yourself into despair. I'll be sure to send your lover there as well." Kyoka began to laugh.

His hearing began to slowly go away, still hearing Erza's muffled screams.

"No..." Happy began to cry

"Human will never be a match for demons, curses triumphs over disputable magic, and soon with the faces activate on the strong will survive!"

She then began to laugh again but felt her foot getting by something, she looked down and saw it was Erza, still trying to remain conscious.

"Oh? Still able to move, how adorable."

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet." Erza in between breaths with a weak grin.

A loud swish was heard and everyone could see a sword was lodged into Kyoka chest. Slowly turning her head, Kyoka saw Arashi standing behind her digging his sword deeper into her.

"This...This can't be. No human is able to survive a curse such as mine!!"

Out of anger, she attempted to turn and hit him with her remaining hand but once again in a blink of an eye, her other arm was sliced off by Arashi's other blade.

Letting out his insane laughter, he drew his master's sword and began to slice Kyoka in a frenzy.

"How can he be able to move, better yet, how does he know where she was? All his senses were robbed" Minerva was surprised at the display.

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