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Today is the day of the mission and even though it's to find a cat your pumped.

"Come on Obito aren't you excited! Our first mission!"

You and Obito are walking to the training grounds.

"To find a cat named mouse!!" He says

You giggle "that poor cat. It would make a great nursery ryme though."

"Nursery rhyme?" He asks and you nod.

"Yeah you know like Little bunny foo foo hopping through the forest scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head or oh where oh where has my little dog gone oh where oh where could he be with his ears cut short and his tail cut long oh where oh where is he."

Obito looks at you strangely

You laugh "Seriously nothing?!? How can you not know those!"

Obito laughs "Seriously what kind of nursery rhymes are those!!"

"Good ones!!"

You to arrive laughing

"Well it's good to see someone's in a good mood." Rin says. You both eye her and then Kakashi.

"Uhoh trouble in paradise?"

Kakashi blush's pulling his mask up further and Rin blush's looking away.

Must have hit the mark.. go Rin.

Suddenly your teacher appears.

"Are we ready?"

You all nod.

"Alright. Here's your coms." Minato hands you your ear pieces you put it in your ear. Obito talks into his a little to loud making everyone groan in pain.


Your destination is inside the village so it didn't take you long to get there.

"My poor little mousy has been out for so long! She's probably hungry but she's a inside cat you see. She doesn't know her way home." The old lady says

You snap your finger and touch your curse mark. Kira appears beside you.

"Do you happen to have something that belongs to mouse so my dog can pick up her scent?"

The old lady leaves then comes back with a toy.

"It's her only one without catnip in it. She Carries it everywhere."

You take it and let Kira sniff it. Kira gets the scent then sniffs the ground.

"Here's a picture she's all grey you see." You all inspect the picture.

"Alright, let's split up. Obito f/n and Kira and Kakashi Rin and I."

Kakashi raises his hand. "I have ninja dogs too."

"We only need one overachiever Kakashi." Minato says.

You and Obito follow as Kira leads you on a trail.

"So what happened with Aiha sensei last night? Did you fight anything cool?"

You scoff "I almost died actually. Aiha sensei was going to let me drowned. I fought a water spirit and for the record she was pretty but had the personality of cat crap!"

Obito raises his hands "Woah, I didn't mean to hit a nerve."

You sigh "Sorry it's not your fault. I won though."

Kira barks and takes off running.

"Come on let's follow her!!" Obito grabs your hand and follows after Kira with you being pulled behind him.

Kira runs quite a ways until she stops at a ally way. You hear growling and turn to see a stray dog growling at a grey cat. Kira barks and stands in front of mouse protecting her. The other dog looks like it's about to attack Kira before Obito makes a loud noise scares it off. You walk farward to see mouse loving on Kira.

"I think we found her."

Obito presses his ear piece "I think we got her."

You hold out your hand for the cat to sniff. Feeling familiar you pick her up.

"I had some tuna in my pocket rift just in case it didn't work out."

"What's a pocket rift?" Obito asks

"It's like a endless space where I keep all my things."

"You two get back here with the cat in hand." Minato says through the ear peace.

"That's pretty cool."

You and Obito start your trail back up the street.

"I want to show you my demention sometime. I'll show everyone eventually because we will be staying in it on missions but besides Aiha sensei you could be the second to see it."

"That's SUPER COOL!!!!!"

You laugh at his loudness. "I worked hard on it. I even use Justus to make it more natural so I can grow plants."

"Look there's Rin!" Obito points up ahead. He takes off running to her with a blush on his face.

Sighing you look down at mouse who nuzzles into your touch. "I'm still not enough huh.. I thought we were getting there but guess not."

Once it's confirmed you have the right cat you return her.

"MOUSE MUMMY MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" the old lady hugs her cat into her bussum.

"I can see why it left"

"Anyway here's your shares! Thank you all for the help."

The lady hands Minato a envelope. You reach for it but he tucks it in his pocket.

"Let's head back to the hokage and let him know the mission was a success. Then you get payed."

The walk back was quiet and no one said a thing until.

"Next time let me use my dogs to hunt."

You look at Kakashi "gladly." You look down at Kira who's walking beside you.

"We got the job done that's all that matters." Rin says stepping between you two.

"Minato sensei can you get us better missions? I mean if your the future Hokage can't you pull some strings?" Obito looks up at Minato.

"I can't but I can see if I can get better missions. It's best to know how well we work together then to just go all out on a mission. It's unorganized. Some missions are dangerous and require a great deal of teamwork."

Rin hms "That's true.. we just became a team after all."

You look up at the sky "we will get there.. eventually."

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now