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-a day later-

You decide it was okay to show Minato, Rin and Kakashi your realm.

"Okay open your eyes." The three open their eyes and gasp.

"Woah.. it's huge!" Minato says looking every direction.

"You thought up all of this?" Rin asks. You nod.

"I new you were amazing f/n but this proves it." Kakashi says as he touches the ground.

"Can we explore?" Rin asks.

"There's a lot of ground to cover but I'd appreciate it if you would stay close. There's no danger beside triping or falling but it's better safe than sorry. I can warp you around to my favorite spots if you like. There's even a hot spring.."

All three of them raise their hands saying they want to go.

You smile "you'll have to hold hands if we go together."

Kakashi looks at rins hand as she blushes.


You take them many places and Obito comes along to. You show them the falls you show them the flower fields you show them the lagoon and the hot springs. You made sure to show them as much as you could.

"As you can see this place is huge so I can't show you everything. Did you enjoy the tour?" You ask the three. They all nod.

"You did amazing creating this place. You can tell you put your heart and soul into it."

You smile at Rin "thank you for noticing."

"You must be advanced in your art."

You shake your head at Minato.

"I just spend a lot of time on it. Originally I just wanted a small space so my team could hide if we needed to but it just became bigger and bigger."

"Is it just wildlife?" Kakashi asks. You nod.

"For now, I'm working on castles. Or just a home. We will be taken care of then."

Obito picks a flower from the ground and hands it to Rin with a blush. You watch as she takes it. Your kinda disappointed that he didn't pick you one.

"We should probably head back, we have training."

Minato looks at you. "How do we get out?"

You smile "by me of course. Here.." you slice a vertical line in the air creating a rift.

"Just walk through."

One by one they walk through and then you close the rift behind you.

You look around the training grounds.

"Does that take alot of chakra?" Kakashi asks you.

You shake your head "it doesn't take any. Except for creating it, it takes a little."

"That's cool." He says genuinely impressed.

"Now that we are here I want to talk to you about something."

You all look towards Minato.

"I've decide to bump f/n and Kakashi up as Jonin. Aiha will be assigned to be your instructor."

Obito looks at you mouth gapes "why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I didn't know my self." You frown at your sensei.

"If you don't want to do it then tell me now."

Both you and Kakashi stay silent.

"How come I wasn't picked for this?" Obito asks.

Kakashi scoffs

"You aren't on the same level but your close. Keep working on it." Minato says

You pat Obitos back and he turns to you "I wish you luck. I know the missions are harsh."

You smile at him "Thanks Obito."

"Your mission starts in two days. Kakashi and F/n, good luck."

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