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Days pass and your belly gets bigger. Today was the day that Obito was waiting for. The nations have rallied together to fight a unseen evil. Ultimately Obito and Madara. Well as far as you know.

You have been taken to a cave a nice one made into a home and placed there alone while the war goes on. This place is supposed to keep you safe but it's just driving you crazy. You truly wish Obito would have changed paths but your pregnancy only drove him further for a world of peace.

"Stay here and don't leave until I tell you it's safe."

His words echo through your mind. Eventually you knew he'd awaken something and you knew Konoha would suffer first hand from it.

You remember the dream you had with your family safe in Konoha. It can't be a reality if Konoha is destroyed.

You place your hand on your stomach then look around.

"Do you think your daddy will hate me if I destroy his plans?"

In all honesty you knew he would be furious but Konoha is your home too.

You imagine Konoha as you slice the air. The gleem of the rift lights up the area around you. You step through it revealing yourself on the fourth hokages head. You look around to see fighting in the distance as well as a large creature.

"That must be the 10 tails."

You jump onto the hokages building and look around.

Most everyone is evacuated.

"Hey what are you doing!!? Get out of here!!" A shinobi says running people to safety. You ignore him.

You look into the distance to see the 10 tails open it's mouth a bomb inside of it ready to blast Konoha.

You quickly bite your thumb then wipe your blood on your curse mark.

"Summoning Jutsu! Kira!"

With a poof Kira appears. Her body is as big as Konoha if not bigger. Her feet are crushing a few business but no one's in them.

"Kira help me shield Konoha from the upcoming attacks!"

Kira wraps all her 11 tails around Konoha making it seem like night. She also uses her chakra as a shield around her tails. It won't hurt her and it keeps Konoha safe. You slip down onto Kira's back as the 10 tails proceeds with his attack.

"I'll keep Konoha safe if it's the last thing I do!!"

You yell knowing your being watched by inoshikachos parents since they have always been the look out team.

The impact hit like you would expect a bomb to hit. Kira winced at the power of it but held strong. Your kneeled onto Kiras back covering your head.

No more attacks came but you stayed in that position for hours as the war raged on and finally ended. You weren't sure what happened but you know your exhausted.

"Obito.." you whispered out as Kira disappears.

You open a rift with Obito in mind and step inside it.

Your surroundings are bright but you soon spot who your looking for. Obito floats in a gold river of nothingness. You walk up to him.


Obito looks at you. "I righted my wrong f/n. I'm fading away.. as punishment for what I did my body is failing me."

You walk closer to see his left side melting away. You walk further into the water and pull him out. Once on dry land you put your hands over his heart.

"Just give me a moment.. I'll give you a body."

You take in a shaky breath and watch as his body begins to grow back. It takes less that 10 minutes to make his body whole again.

Obito slowly sits up, you wipe the sweat off your forehead.

Obito looks at his new limbs then looks at you.

"Your exhausted, you have done to much."

You smile softly then hold out your hand to him.

"Let's go home."

"Where's home f/n??"


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