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You don't like fighting with Obito in fact you hate it. However Obito is wrong in so many ways. The fact that he can't see you like you see him is hurtful. You see him as your paradise and that your happy as long as your with him but instead of him feeling that way about you he holds onto the whole thing with Rin.

Are you some sort of sick joke?

Why does he say he loves you but it's obvious he still loves her.

Are you just a temporary fix? What are you really.

You look at the mask in your hand.

"You want need her ..and I'll never be her."

You grab your cloak and start your journey out of the hide out.

"You don't need me.. you will probably not even know I'm gone.."

Once sunlight hit your face you put on your mask and start jumping tree to tree.

"Kakashi.. I need you."

Knowing you'll probably never see him again makes you sad.. he was your go to guy. He always new how to turn your frown upside down.

You honestly didn't have a destination although the leaf sounded nice. You stop on a tree trunk.

"Well.. what the heck."

You close your eyes thinking about where you want to go then slice the air. You look at the slit in front of you knowing it leads to your home.


you step through and exit onto the third hokages head. You take a breath in.


You make your way to many familiar spots but your main place you wanted to go was your home.

As soon as you step through your door you take off your mask.

"Kira.. I love Obito.. but this hurts really bad."

I'm sorry I can't make the pain go away..

You sit down on your bed then lay down.

You remember when Kakashi would come over and hold you while you cried and even slept. How unfair it is you doing this to him.. you love Kakashi like a brother and it hurts you that your keeping all this from him.

You let out a sob. "Dang it! Obito.. why did you marry me if this is how you truly felt. I'm not Rin! You want her and need her but I'll NEVER BE HER!!"

Your voice echoes through your home bouncing off every wall.

"Is that how I make you feel?"

Your eyes widen at the sound of his voice. He sits in your lounge chair in the corner, Obito.

You sit up wiping your face as you still continue to cry.

"Why are you here?"

Obito stands up and starts walking towards you.

"Is that really how you feel? I know your not Rin! I love you f/n but I'm not going to forget or forgive what happened to Rin! I know you'll never be her but you need to realize I never loved her! Not like I love you!"

Obito takes a seat beside you and wipes your tears.

"I'm doing this for us, for our future I'm following this plan. Not because of rins death but our future."

You let out a shaky breath. In a way it's very sweet.

"Obito.. I just needed to get away.. this is still home to me."

Obito moves your hair out of your face.

"I know you won't leave me f/n. What we have can't just be forgotten. I knew you would come here though."

You look down at the mask in your hand.

"You always did know me well."

Obito chuckles "always. Now will you come back with me?"

You look up at him "Yes."

Obito looks towards the direction of the door. Your eyes widen when a frantic knock comes from the other side.

"F/n! I can sense your chakra!! Open up or I'm coming in!!"


Obito pulls you close.

"It would hurt him to see your betrayal but it would hurt you more." Suddenly you warped from your apartment as soon as Kakashi breaks through.

When you arrive inside your room with Obito at your side you look at him. He removes his mask.

You touch his scarred face. He lifts your chin and kisses you sweetly.

You wrap you arms around his neck and lay your head on his chest after breaking  the kiss.

"Thank you for coming after me."

"I'll never leave you f/n, I know you'll never leave me. Right?"

You look up at him "right. I love you with all my heart Obito."

Obito takes your ring hand and kisses it. "I love you with every fiber of my being. What I do I do for us. That's all you need to know."

You nod. "Okay."

Somehow this made you feel better.

"So will you come after me each time I run away?"

Obito kisses your forehead "So your gonna run away again?"

"If I'm feeling nostalgic."

Obito chuckles "Do you want me to?"

"If I'm taking to long yes. I can't believe Kakashi picked my lock that fast or sensed my chakra."

"I made it just in time." He says making you smile.

"One day you'll face him.. one of his kids is a Jinchuriki. I'm fond of that boy actually."

You take a seat on your bed and Obito sits beside you.

"So be it. As for the boy what tailed beast is he?"

You look at him "9 tailed fox. Kurama is Kira's mate."


"The nine tails name is Kurama and he's Kira's mate. That's what she has always told me."

You touch your curse mark unleashing Kira's Familiar. Kira's adult wolf form looks at Obito licking he's cheek.

"Yet you still love me. I plan on killing him."

At this Kira growls

You sigh "Kira, we are no longer the good guy's remember?"

Perhaps he will change his mind though.

You doubt it.

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now