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Being on a Jonin team with Kakashi was difficult to say the least. After all your both leaders instead of followers. Things worked out however and you aced your test. Obito was the first to congratulate you.

"Congratulations f/n!! Just watch when I activate my Sharingan I'm going to become a Jonin too!"

"I know you can do it Obito!"

If there was one person who believed in him it was you.

The day went by and soon it's night time. You close the book with your clan's symbol on it and sigh. Kira wines in her bed in the corner.

"The chunin exam was harder than my Jonin mission was. I can't explain why I feel that way."

You and Kakashi butted heads some..

You lay back on your bed. "We did but still got the job done. Aiha didn't seem to notice though."

I'm sure she did.

Sighing you turn out the light and cover up with your blankets.

"Night Kira.."

As you slept nightmares claimed your dreams. This time Kira was killing everyone you love. You absolutely hate these nightmares because you would never harm the village or your friends.

As soon as it shows Obito walking with Rin suddenly running from Kira's claws you wake up with a gasp.


Kira jumps at your yell.

"I-I have to go.."

Again without any shoes you take off to Obito house. The third pebble you throw at his window does the trick and he opens it rubbing his eyes. You swiftly jump inside his room.

"It was bad this time Obito.. you.. you were.." you let out a soft sob and hug his standing form. Obito hugs you back rubbing circles on your back.

"It's just a dream. I'm here and I'm okay see?"

Obit takes your hand and puts it to his chest over his heart. You nod with tears filling the corner of your eyes.

"Okay.. can I stay here?"

Obito tucks a stray hair behind your ear.

"Sure, come on."

Obito takes your hand and brings you to his bed. You sit and then lay down. He lays down beside you this time instead of keeping distance he pulls you close to him with your head on his chest.

"Thank you Obito."

"I'll always be here for you f/n.. always."

Smiling you nuzzle into his chest and soon fall asleep.

-three days later-

Today is a exciting day. You have a mission to get a scroll from enemy hands. You don't know what enemy but it's better than those D class missions.

"We will be gone for a couple of weeks so let me pack your things in my pocket rift." You make a horizontal line in the air and your rift opens. Your team gives you what they have and you put it in the rift

"That's super cool!!" Obito says pretty loud.

You giggle and zip it closed. "Thanks. I think we are ready Sensei."

Minato sensei looks at the paper in his hand.

"The directions are quite extensive."

You watch as Obito adjusts his goggles.

He's just so attractive.

You love him.

Of course I do Kira.

"Alright let's head out then." Your sensei starts walking and you all soon follow.

"So what's in this scroll anyway?" Obito asks.

Minato glances back at him. "I don't know. We aren't meant to know."

You sigh "so we are risking our life's for a need to know?"

"Welcome to the life of a ninja." Kakashi say's sarcastically.

Your journey led you through rocky terrain and clear plains and you even used your demention to house your teammates.

"This is so pretty! It's pretty in the day time but night time is beyond pretty!!" Rin clasps her hands together watching the lighting bug flare up in the moonlit field.

"Let's get our sleeping bags out, I also brought some food along. We can make instant ramen."

Obito frowns as you open your pocket rift. "How we don't have a fire?"

You hmm "well we can build one."

"That's a great idea, let's gather firewood." Minato says with a smile. You place things out while the others gather what you need.

"Alright we got everything, now to just light the fire."

Obito steps farword. "Allow me."

"Don't go all out and start a forest fire." Kakashi warns.

Obit rolls his eyes "I have full control of my fire abilities thank you!"

You watch as Obito lights the fire skillfully.

"That was very impressive."

"Thanks." Obito winks making you blush.

Once you all eat you head to bed. You and Obito are the only ones still awake.

"Isn't it beautiful?" You asks him.

He nods.

"The night sky sure is something."

You smile softly then turn to look at him. His eyes glimmer thanks to the moonlight and many stars. He turns to look at you.


You shake your head "your just handsome.."

Your eyes widen at what you have said. Obito blushes and rubs the back of his head.

"O-Oh.. thanks?? I guess."

You blush "I-I'm going to bed now. Good night Obito."

Obit smirks "Good night beautiful."

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