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The plan was to head out without question. Which worked out better than you thought. The lie was going on a outing for the day. The trip wasn't long and eventually you found the place. You and Obito sit on a tree with your masks on.

"That's it."

You nod.

Obito takes your hand and steps down from the tree.

Once inside the place you sign into the register. It wasn't 10 minutes you were called back.

"Alright let's get you two married! Perhaps lose the masks?"

You and Obito shakes your heads.

"O-ok. Let's get this going then."

The ceremony wasn't long but it made it more official. After the ceremony you wait until your out of the place to kiss your husband. The gold bands you now wear gleam in the sunlight. You still wear the ring Obito made you next to your gold band.

Obito blushes behind his mask "you know what comes next right?"

You blush "O-Oh.. honeymoon."

You both become a blushing mess.

"So what do we do?"

You turn from him creating a vertical slice through the air.

"Boy your hasty." Obito teases.

You roll your eyes, "just come on."

You grab his hand and pull him inside. Once inside you close the portal.

You grab Obito and warp to the hot spring.

He looks around "um.."

"We don't have to do it but we can enjoy each others time."

You take off your mask and unzip your cloak. You then start undressing making Obito blush and turn around.

"You have always been the bold one!!!"

Giggling you step into the hot spring.

"Obito I'm in, it's your turn now."

Obito looks your direction then swallows hard.

With a deep breath he starts to undress.

"Don't peak!"

You laugh "Obito we are married now!"

Obit fumbles with his pants as you stand up and turn to him. He forgets what he's doing all together and looks at you. His face heats up at your bold move.


Obito walks to you making you scoot back some.

"Oh boy"

-Skip sexual content-

You two lay on the mattress in the cabin inside your realm. You lay in Obitos arms, he holds you close rubbing circles on your back.

"We can do that a lot now right?"

You laugh "yes, possibly less painful. I waited for you even if you never came."

"That's what she said."

You laugh more "Obito! I'm just saying your my first. One and only."

"Same." He says with a blush."

You kiss him "could have fooled me."

Obito blushes "I love you f/n."

"I love you too Obito."

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now