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We are getting into the 13 years here

So far you and your team have went mission after mission and in all honesty you need a break.

"We should go to the hot springs~ I haven't been in so long. I went in my demention but it was just me."

Obito looks away trying not to imagine you in the hot springs.

"It does sound nice especially after all the missions we have had." Rin says.

You take her hand "right!?? Let's do it. Let the boys do what they want."

Rin nods "O-Ok."

You clap your hands "Yay~ let's go!"

Nothing beats the feeling of a nice soak in the hot springs after a long mission.

You let out a sigh as you step into the spring.

Rin soon joins you. You close your eyes but can feel her stare. You open one of your eyes to see her staring at your well developed chest. You smile softly.

"Rin is something wrong?"

Rin jumps then faces front.

"N-no. I do have a question though.."

You hmm "and what's that?"

"D-Do you.. Love Obito?"

Your eyes widen at her question and you softly blush.

"In all honesty?"

She nods. You sigh.

"I love him with all my heart."

Rin claps her hands "I guessed right! Have you noticed that he loves you too?"

You frown "no he doesn't. If anything he loves you."

She shakes her head "it's not like that between Obito and I. I love Kakashi.." she blushes.

You sigh. "Who loves who heh."

After your hot spring you feel so refreshed.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Rin.I'm going to see if I can find Obito.

"To confess?"

You give her a look. "Absolutely... not."

You send her a wave then walk off.

What if Obito does like you back? Would he openly admit it? You wouldn't. Your brave and bold but not that bold.

You spot Obito carrying groceries for a old lady and smile softly.

"Some thing's never change." Sighs you take a seat on a nearby bench.

Not 5 minutes later he walks your direction.

"F/n! What are you doing here?" He asks taking a seat next to you.

"I was looking for you actually. Wanna hangout?"

Obito smiles with a blush "yeah! How was the hot springs.?"

"Good and relaxing. Rin and I had a interesting chat though."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, she's under the impression that you Love me but I told her you love her.."

Obito starts to freak out "why would you do that!!!??"

You sigh "it's not a secret. there not any truth behind what she says?"

Obito practically squirms in his seat. "I mean your my best friend and I love you."

You blush at the I love you but frown at the best friend.

"Never mind.. I'm stupid for even asking.."

Obito looks at your sadden expression. He sighs.

"She's.. not wro—"

Obito gets cut off by Gai who runs to see you.

"F/n you are looking beautiful today just like every day!! You smell good too."

You blush "it's lavender from the bath house actually. Thanks though Gai."

Obito gives the male a death glare for interrupting his confession.

"I must go! Youth is calling!!!!" You wave as he twirls away.

"What a weird one.." Obito says. You laugh.

"He's sweet and means well. You know he said he'd protect me with his life."

Obito frowns "so will I! I'll tear apart anyone who hurts or touches you because I love y—-"

"Hey, F/n want to spar?" Kakashi comes out of no where.

"I'm busy but thanks. Ask Genma or Gai."

Obito slumps feeling defeated.

You turn to Obito your stomach let's out a growl.

"Hey do you want to go on a date with me right now?"

Your eyes widen at his words. "A-a date?!"

"If you don't want to understand—"

"Yes! Y-Yes I'd like to go on a date with you. Ramen?"

Obito blushes barley keeping eye contact with you.


You grab his hand and take off running "come on I'm starving!!"

Obito feels proud of himself for making the first move although he's not sure where this will go. One things for sure and that's if he's with you he's happy.

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now