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It was supposed to be a simple mission with out trouble but in the end trouble found the four of you. Chaos is what you could describe it that and being the worst day of your life.

Obito pushed Kakashi out of the way of the falling rock only to sacrifice himself. His body lies half crushed by the rock. Your heart beats through out your body and your eyes sting with tears.


You kneel down beside him.

"It's okay f/n, I barely feel it."

You let out another sob. "Obito.. I love you! I love you more than a friend I love you so you can't go you just can't!! There's got to be a way!!"

Obito smiles softly "That makes me happy to know you feel the same as I do. I love you to f/n. I'm sorry it had to be this way. Stay strong for me?"

Kakashi kneels down beside you.

"Rin, use medical ninjutsu and give Kakashi my Sharingan. Please. As for Kakashi thanks for being my friend, please keep f/n and Rin safe."

You cover your mouth but let Rin through as you back away. She does what Obito tells her then your back at his side.

"I love you f/n."

"I love you too Obito always and forever."

Leaving him behind was the hardest thing you ever had to do. As you we're continuing on Rin gets kidnapped by mist ninjas and they put the 3 tails inside her. Neither of you new what to do only that you had to try to save Rin. Rin sealed her own fait at the hands of Kakashi while you watched in horror.

The mission was cleared and finished but everything felt empty and wrong.

You walks quietly back to your apartment with Kakashi at your side.

"Kakashi.. we shouldn't be alone."

Kakashi looked at you with empty eyes but soon walk into your apartment with you. You both sat on the couch holding each other letting out your sorrows. One thing Kakashi new was he couldn't loose you too.

Kakashi slept at your house that night you both needed each other and were hurting. It saddened you when he left for home.

"Who am I supposed to go to if I have nightmares."

"Me." He simply says hugging you.

Kakashi changed from how he was before and had a new attitude thanks to Obitos sacrifice as well as rins.

You found yourself crying yet again hugging your pillow and looking at your team photo.

"I should have told you sooner Obito, how much I truly love you! I'll never get another chance!"

You let out another wail into your pillow. The pain hurt so bad it felt as if your heart was going to explode. You only wish it would so you wouldn't have to feel the way you do.

A knock from the door and a it's me comes from your front door you open it to see Kakashi. You take no time falling into his arms a crying mess.

Kakashi holds you as you cry and finds himself crying as well.

Why does it have to hurt so much.....

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now